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Key Unit 1 PART 0NE:VOCABULARY AND STRUCTURE I. 1.eagerness 2.frus~ation 3.communication 4.instructor 5.continually 6.activities 7.wonderful 8.requirements 9.commitment 10.effective 11.discovery 12.personally 13.successful 14.absolutely 15.unforgettable Ⅱ. 1.allow for 2.reflecting upon 3.communicate with 4.give up 5.get access to 6.is far from 7.became aware of 8.come across 9.participates in 10.keep up with 11.now that 12.remind her of 13.on the part of Ⅲ. 1.probable 2.probably 3.open 4.quickly,wonderful 5.quiet 6.motionless 7.rich 8.frightened 9.1iving 10.alive 1 1.unconscious 12.unconsciously Ⅳ. 1.A 2.C 3.B 4.B 5.C 6.A 7.B 8.B 9.C 10.C 11.B 12.C 13.B 14.A 15.C 16.B 17.A 18.B 19.A 20.C V. 1.B 改为 did I realize。副词 only 后接 when 引导的时间状语从句时,主句用部分倒装 的形式。 2.A 改为 reminds me of。remind sb.of sth.是固定搭配。 3.D 改为 make friends with,此为固定短语。 4.A 改为 had not seen,表示对过去事实的虚拟。 5.A 改为 After I have read。分词短语在句中没有自己的逻辑主语。 6.B 改为 from。应该用 die from,强调死于外因,而 die of 侧重死于内因,如疾病等。 7.B 去掉 and。由 without 引导的介词短语表示伴随情况,直接修饰前面的主动词。 8.B 改为 some。the others 用于指除??以外所有的人或物。 9.A 改为 which,引导非限定性定语从句。关系代词 that 不能引导非限定性定语从句。 10.D 改为 sending。suggest 后接动名词做宾语。 PART TWO:TRANSLATION I.(For reference) 1.他渴望有机会参加各类活动。 2.我在哪里可以把美元兑换成英镑? 3.既然你已知晓她对此事的态度,你打算怎么办呢? 4.他不仅越说越准确,而且也说得更流利了。 5.我不知道他是偶然还是有意做了这件事。 6.学生们从英语学习中直接受益。 7.他们发觉房间里有股怪味。 8.电视节目使我对英语国家有了深入的了解。 9.由于我国南方发生了严重的洪灾,我们应考虑到货物会延迟到达。 10.你为何放弃了大学学习? Ⅱ.(For reference) 1.Not only does the work give me an insight into the customs there,but it also helps me make many friends. 2.Playing tennis is good exercise as well as fun. 3.There’S nothing worth reading in this newspaper. 4.Do you feed like going to the movie? 5.Now that the rain has stopped,you can start off/out. 6.He doesn’t know whether she is in Britain or she has gone to Italy. 7.Just as 1 was getting out of the car.my foot caught on something and I fell. 8.It seemed that there was nothing else in the world that was worth doing. 9.We should encourage our students instead of throwing cold water on them. 10


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