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Unit 6 Language If youre happy and you know it, clap (拍手) your hands.If youre happy and you know it, clap your hands. If youre happy and you know it.Never be afraid to show it.If youre happy and you know it, clap your hands. If youre happy and you know it, stomp(跺脚) your feet.If youre happy and you know it, stomp your feet.If youre happy and you know it. Never be afraid to show it. If youre happy and you know it, stomp your feet. If youre happy and you know it, wink (眨眼) your eye.If youre happy and you know it, wink your eye.If youre happy and you know it. Never be afraid to show it.If youre happy and you know it, wink your eye. Enjoy a song If you are happy… If you are happy, what will you do? If I am happy, I will________________. If I am happy, I will________________. If I am happy, I will________________. clap my hands stomp my feet wink my eye Give suggestions (1)“I dont feel well today. Can you give me some suggestions?” If you _________________, you will feel better. (2) How to solve your problem when you have trouble? If I have some trouble, I will ___________. 1. I sometimes forget to take the right books to school. 2. I was away from school today. I don’t know what to do for homework. 3. I sometimes forget which things to buy at the supermarket. 4.I hate getting up! I always feel tired in the morning. 5. I don’t know what this word means . Willam’s problems below: A B If you write a shopping list, If you telephone your classmates, If you look it up in the dictionary, If you go to bed earlier, If you check your timetable(时间表) every night, they ’ll tell you what homework to do. you’ll remember to get all the things . you’ll find out its meaning. you won’t feel tired in the morning. you’ll know which books to take. Practice makes perfect! Pair-work: Match on your book P104 ,B. 1 4 3 2 5 ※ Summary 1If sentences: actions with possible (可能的)results you take a fish
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