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健康教育对凶险型前置胎盘孕期及围术 期的影响研究 [ ]目的总结凶险型前置胎盘孕期及囤术期的健康教冇。方法选择我院2014年1 刀?2015年11刀间收治的8例凶险型前置胎盘孕妇孕期及围术期进行系统全面的健康教 育。发生产前出血时给予心理指导、期待疗法以及产时产后出血时的配合指导、饮食运动指 导。结果8例孕妇均冇胎盘植入,均冇术中大出血,经积极治疗和护理未切除了宫,无其 他并发症,患者均足刀妊娠后行剖宫产终止妊娠,产妇均痊愈出院。结论采用科学冇效的 孕期和围术期的健康教育,在手术和抢救过程屮,孕妇及家属均能积极配合医牛顺利完成各 种操作,为人出血的抢救争取了时间。 [关键词]凶险型;孕产妇;前置胎盘;健康教育 [Abstract] Objective To summarize the health education for the pregnancy and perioperative period of pationts with critical placenta previa. Methods Systemic and comprehensivc health education was conducted during the pregnancy and perioperative period of 8 patients with critical placenta previa who were admitted to our hospitai from January 2014 to November 2015? Psychological guidanee and expec ta nt treatme nt were i mp 1 erne ntod upon prenatal bleed ing and coord in ate guida ncc and diet and exercise guidancc were imp1emented upon intrapartum and postpartum bleeding? Results Placenta implantation was observed and intraopcrative bleeding occurred in all the 8 pregnant women, whose uteri were not excised after positive treatment and nursing, without other complications. All the patients were given cesarean section after reaching full-term pregnancy and they were all highly satisfied, cured and discharged from hospi ta 1? Con elusion Appl icati on of scie nti f ic and effective pregnancy and perioperative health education gains positive cooperat i on of preg nant worn on and their fami I ies dur ing the process of surgery and rescue, which wins over time to rescue patients with massive bleeding? [Key words] Critical ; Pregnant and lying-in women; Placenta previa; Heal th education 凶险型前置胎盘是中央型前置胎盘的一种类型,是发生在瘢痕了宫基础上,此次妊娠胎 盘附着于原了宫切口瘢痕处,胎盘植入率高。而剖宫产是凶险型前置胎盘孕妇唯一的分娩方 式[1]。手术小高胎盘植入及盆腔粘连及毗邻器官严重粘连,手术操作困难,术小常发生难 以控制的大出血、休克、DIC,围生期子宫切除率高,严重威胁孕产妇生命及生殖健康,K 至孕产妇的死亡。而抢救必须争分夺秒,儿乎都会启用大量的供血资源,急救所产生的医疗 费用以及动用的更疗资源是医、护、患共同面对的问题。因此加强孕期和围术期的健康教育 显得尤为重要。现报道如下。 1资料与方法 1.1 一般资料 选择2014年1月?2015年11月我院收治的8例凶险型前置胎盘孕妇,年龄26?38岁, 文化程度介于初中与大专,剖宫产1?3次,距前次剖宫产3?10年,单胎妊娠,发生产前 少量出血5例,出血量20?130 mL不等,发


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