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(郑州大学 水利与环境学院,河南 郑州 450001)
摘 要: 针对于提高混凝土强度和耐久性的问题,可以在混凝土中加入矿物外加剂以替代部分水泥,最常用的矿物外加剂是粉煤灰和硅
粉。通过一系列试验,研究了在其他因素不变的情况下,不同掺量粉煤灰和硅粉对混凝土的工作性、抗压强度、劈拉强度、抗弯拉强度等的 影响,并分析探讨其规律,为配制高强高性能混凝土提供参考。研究结果表明:粉煤灰和硅粉都可不同程度的改善混凝土和易性。粉煤灰对 混凝土各种强度的增长主要表现在后期,具有很好的“强度潜力”;而硅粉由于活性高,其对混凝土强度增长的贡献主要在前期,后期相对 较缓慢,但对于需要配制抗折强度高、抗冲击耐磨性好的混凝土,硅粉作为矿物外加剂则是首选。
关键词: 粉煤灰;硅粉;混凝土;工作性能;强度
中图分类号: TU528.041
文献标志码: A
文章编号: 1002-3550(2011)05-0077-03
Exp e rim e n t a b o u t e ffe ct o f fly a s h a n d s ilico n fu m e o n t h e s t re n g t h o f co n cre t e
LI Qing-fu,SUN Zhen-hua,ZHANG Hai-yang
(College of Water Conservancy and Environmental Engineering,Zhengzhou University,Zhengzhou 450001,China)
Ab s t ra ct : Aimed at the problem of improving the strength and durability of the concrete,the mineral admixtures can be added in concrete by re-
placing part of cement,the most commonly used mineral admixtures is fly ash and silicon fume.Through a series of tests to study the influence on the different volume fly ash and silicon fume to the workability,compressive strength,splitting tensile strength,flexural tensile strength of the concrete at
the condition of the other factors fixed,and analyze its laws,objective to provide reference for preparation of high performance concrete.The results
of the study indicate that:fly ash and silicon fume can improve the concrete workability to the extent of the difference.Fly ash on concrete various strength of growth is mainly manifested in the later period,It has excellent“potential strength”;Because of the high activity of silicon fume,its con- tribution to the growth of concrete strength mainly in early time,and relatively slow in the later,for preparation the concrete with high flexural
strength,high resistance to impact and abrasion resistance,silicon fume is a best choice as the mineral admixtures.
Ke y w o rd s : fly ash;si
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