2014教版新目标八年级英语下册Unit2 I’ll help to clean up the city parks知识点详解.doc

2014教版新目标八年级英语下册Unit2 I’ll help to clean up the city parks知识点详解.doc

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PAGE PAGE 2 Unit2 I’ll help to clean up the city parks 学习目标: 1 熟记本单元词组 2 掌握动词不定式做宾语、目的状语、宾语补足语用法 3 运用所学句型表达环保、公益活动、助人话题作文;用could表建议。 4 关注社会生活环境、具备社会责任感,利用个人特长助人、参与公益活动 知识点详解 P9 1 help help sb (to) do help sb with sth help oneself to sth随便吃 2 cheer动词可数名词 欢呼We all cheered when EXO arrived. 欢呼声We heard the cheers when EXO arrived. 练习: He failed in the test and looks sad, let’s_____. A put him up B set him up C cheer him up D clean him up 3 give out 分发= hand out 散发(光、热) 用完,耗尽 练习 The students are ____ the notices to the people. A printing out印制出 B giving out C selling out D putting out扑灭 P10 4 put off 推迟 (后接名词、代词、动名词作宾语) Put away 收起来 put on穿上 put out扑灭;伸出put up张贴,搭建 put back放回原处 5 notice 可数名词:公告牌,通告,布告 不可数名词:注意。Take notice of what I say. 动词:注意到 6 used to do过去…(现在不了) 没有人称和时态变化 Be used to doing习惯于(一直在做) Be used to do被用来做 Be used for+n/ doing被用于… Eg:Stamps are used for sending mails. 练习:She goes to climb mountains every Sunday. But she _______ hate climbing mountains. A used to B was used to C is used to D is used for P10 7 lonely alone辨析 Lonely是adj孤单的(感情色彩较强) alone既是adj单独的,独自的;也是adv 独自地 He feels lonely without friends. He is alone in the room.独自呆在房间 He lives alone but doesn’t feel lonely. P11 8 each every意义均为“每一个” 1) Each强调各别,各个,every强调全部、都 The sun shines everyday this month. 这个月每天都阳光灿烂。 He gave each of us an apple.每个人一个苹果。 2) 两者中的每一个只能用each I gave a present to each of her parents . 3)each既可做adj也可做pron(代词),every只是adj 1.Each student has his own desk . (形容词,定语) 2.Each has his own way . (代词,主语) 3.Our headteacher had a talk with each of us . (代词,宾语) 4.The students each have a desk . (代词,同位语,不影响谓语动词的单复数) 9 others/ other/ the other/ another辨析 1) the other + 可数名词单数。指两者中另一个 He has two sons. One is a teacher, the other is a worker. the other +可数名词复数= the others,“另一些”,两部分中的另一部分。(特指, 强调在同一范围) Mary is much taller than the other girls in the class. Two of the boys will go to the zoo, and the others will s


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