2014人教新目标英语八下unit 6 an old man tried to move the mountains课件4.ppt

2014人教新目标英语八下unit 6 an old man tried to move the mountains课件4.ppt

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9. ground地面 playground 操场 10. lead (led , led)带路,领路 常用词组: 通往 lead to … 把某人引到……lead sb to some place 引路lead the way to … 11. voice 声音(指说话声) noise 吵闹声 sound声音(指声音的总称) 12. brave勇敢的(形容词) e.g. 她进入燃烧着的大楼,真勇敢。 It was brave of her to go into the burning building. (副词)bravely 他作战很勇敢。 e.g. He fought bravely in the war. (名词)bravery 1. Read the play again after class. 2. Try to retell the play. * UNIT 6 An old man tried to move the mountains. Period 4 Section B (2a-2e) Revision: Translate the following phrases into English. 名叫 2.《皇帝的新装 》 3.制作特别的衣服 4.欺骗某人 5.走过城市 called / named The Emperor’s New Clothes make special clothes cheat somebody walk through the city Revision: Retell the story according to these pictures. Once upon a time, there was an emperor. He loved … Which old, traditional stories do you know? Journey to the West Sleeping Beauty Cinderella Little Red Riding Hood Hansel and Gretel A fairy tale is an old, traditional story. Do you know what these fairy tales are about? 2a What’s the story of Hansel and Gretel about? Let’s read it together. Finding out the text type Before you read, decide what kind of text it is. Is it a letter, a play, a short story or something else? A play. Hansel and Gretel Read the first paragraph of Hansel and Gretel. Think about how the fairy tale will continue. Then read the rest of the story. 2b Hansel and Gretel Hansel and Gretel lived near a forest with their father and stepmother. One year, the weather was so dry that no food would grow. The wife told her husband that unless he left the children to die in the forest, the whole family would die. Gretel heard this, and Hansel made a plan to save himself and his sister. Match each description below with the correct scene. The children get lost. The children wake up. The children can not find the pieces of bread. D. Gretel learns about Hansel’s plan. E. The children surprise the parents. F. Hansel has to change his plan. G. The children learn that so


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