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Module 2 On Contract Terms 模块2 合同条款的商谈 Situation 6 Counter-offers 情境6 还盘 What shall we learn today? Aims today Be able to ask for a price reduction Be able to decline a price reduction Be familiar with the words and expressions used in making a counter-offer Specimen Letters Writing Tutorial Background Information Contents Vocabulary Builder Sentence Menu Try Your Hand Background Information What is counter-offer? A counter-offer is a reply to an offer made by the offeree to the offerer, accepting some terms and changing other terms. A counter-offer is, in fact, a partial or total rejection to the original offer. Counter-offer constitutes the main part of business negotiations. This process may go on for many a round till the transaction is concluded or called off. 还盘是受盘人对发盘人发盘的回复,接受一些条款的同时也更改另一些条款。还盘其实是对发盘的部分或完全拒绝 在实务中,还盘阶段是交易磋商中持续时间最长的阶段,一笔业务通常需要经过多次还盘,才能达成最后协议,但也可能谈不拢。 Dear Mr. Qiu? Re: Men’s Padded Jackets Item No.7009A Thank you for your fax of Nov. 22, making us an offer for 100% Cotton Men’s Jackets at USD30.00/pc, FOB Shanghai. All the terms in the offer are acceptable except the price. While appreciating the quality and style of your jackets, we find your price to be on the high side. Now in our market, many suppliers, mainly from Asia, have been selling at a much lower price than yours. The chief sellers, worrying about their market shares, are again lowering their prices. To accept your quotation would leave us little profit since this is an area in which the principal demand is for articles in the medium price range. However, we would like to place a trial order with you if you could reduce your price by 10%. Should this transaction prove to be satisfactory, regular orders in large quantities would follow. ? We hope you will reconsider this matter and send us a new offer. Specimen Letter 1 样信欣赏1 Language Points for Letter 1 counter-offer n/v. 还盘 to make / send / give sb. a counter- offer for


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