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健康管理与患者忠诚度相关性的研究 杜伟1 陈伟庆2 吴蓉2齐晓娅3 摘要:目的 通过对前来本院门诊消化科和普外科就诊的患者以及社区门诊中的患者提供健康管理服务,探索其与患者再次来院就诊(患者重复就医)的相关性,为医院培养更多的忠诚顾客做一些探索性的研究提供参考。方法 根据美国哈佛大学公共卫生学院疾病风险评估模型设计胃癌风险人群评估表,在门诊消化科病人,社区门诊病人中采用自愿填写问卷表,剔除低风险人群,选择高、中风险100人份,分别随机分为健康管理组50例和对照组50例,每组里高、中风险人数各约占50%。对照组门诊后按常规处理,实验组在常规处理后的基础上增加建立健康档案,制定干预方案,定期短信提醒、健康咨询、回访,绿色就医通道等手段。结果 100例患者中23例健康管理组胃癌高风险人群二次复诊率100%,三次复诊率78.20%;24例对照组胃癌高风险人群二次复诊率50%三次复诊率20.83%。27例健康管理组胃癌中风险人群二次复诊率74.07%,三次复诊率55.55%;26例对照组胃癌中风险人群二次复诊率30.77%,三次复诊率7.69% ;健康管理组复诊率较对照组复诊率差异有统计学意义(PO.05);结论 对消化道疾病门诊患者实行健康管理后患者与医院忠诚度之间的关系有显著上升。 关键词:健康管理;消化道疾病; 忠诚度;胃癌 Research about relativity between the health management and patients’ loyalty Abstract: objective to provide health management services for the patients who came to our digestive department and general surgery clinic and community clinic; explore the relativity between health management and encounter mgmt again for the patients. Cultivate more customers with loyalty to the hospital and provide the reference and exploratory research to relieve more doctor-patient conflicts. Methods: design the assessment table of gastric carcinoma risk according to disease risk assessment model of The Harvard School of Public Health. The patients of digestive department and community clinic filled out questionnaire voluntary. Eliminate cases with low risk and choose 100 patients with high and moderate risk. Divide the 100 patients into health management group of 50 cases and control group of 50 cases. In each group, the number of high and moderate risk account for 50% separately. Compare to control group with conventional treatment, the patients in health management group were treated with establishing health files, formulating intervention, regular text-message reminders, health and medical consultation, emergency green path after conventional treatment. Results: Among 100 patients, the rate of second return visit of 23 cases with high risk of gastric carcinoma was 100% in health management group. The third return visit


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