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在线作业自?动判卷 题目 类型 分值 正确答案 你的答案 批改 There? is no( )in apply?ing for that job as you are not prope?rly quali?fied. 单选题 10.0 3 3 √ He had been( )to give up much of his time to house?work. 单选题 10.0 3 3 √ With a schoo?l recor?d like yours?,( )why you didnt try for a unive?rsity? schol?arshi?p. 单选题 10.0 2 2 √ Here are some toys.You can( )one or two for your littl?e son as a birth?day gift from me. 单选题 10.0 2 2 √ He seems? very much( )to the propo?sal to build? a hall. 单选题 10.0 1 1 √ I was( )as to how I could? help him out witho?ut hurti?ng his pride?. 单选题 10.0 2 2 √ Rober?t looke?d as if he was about? to( )when his motiv?es were quest?ioned?. 单选题 10.0 1 1 √ He( )that he could? creat?e live fish out of chemi?cals. 单选题 10.0 2 2 √ We found? it very diffi?cult to( )the homew?ork tonig?ht. 单选题 10.0 1 2 × He never?( )any gifts? from peopl?e on Chris?tmas Day. 单选题 10.0 1 2 × ? 在线作业自?动判卷 题目 类型 分值 正确答案 你的答案 批改 When you cant follo?w your teach?er,what will you say?( ) 单选题 10.0 2 × Oh,sorry? to troub?le you.( ) 单选题 10.0 1 × How is every?thing??( ) 单选题 10.0 4 × Are the Willi?ams here yet?( ) 单选题 10.0 4 × Does that tea have enoug?h suger? in it?( ) 单选题 10.0 2 × When are you going? to the show?( ) 单选题 10.0 4 × We need some tooth?paste?.( ) 单选题 10.0 2 × Whom does the teach?er expla?in the word to?( ) 单选题 10.0 1 × Mary answe?red the quest?ions corre?ctly.Yes,( ) 单选题 10.0 3 × Sorry?,Im late.( ) 单选题 10.0 4 × ?本次作业总?分值:100.0????得分:0.0?? ??? 正确的题数?:0 ? 题目总数:10 ????正确率:0.0% 在线作业自?动判卷 题目 类型 分值 正确答案 你的答案 批改 At first? I thoug?ht that math probl?em would? be rathe?r diffi?cult,but it( )to be fairl?y easy. 单选题 10.0 1 × What he is( )is neith?er money? nor fame,but the satis?facti?on of seein?g his stude?nts grow up into usefu?l build?ers of socia?lism. 单选题 10.0 1 × Such a skill?ed tenni?s playe?r know how to take( )of his oppon?ents chief? weakn?ess. 单选题 10.0 2 × What it( )is simpl?y that he is not willi?ng to give us his suppo?rt. 单选题 10.0 1 × There? is an old sayin?g which? goes,never?( )until?


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