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.. 传播学(跨媒体新闻方向) Communication Studies 专业代码:050305 学 制:4年 Speciality Code: 050305    Schooling Years: 4years 培养目标 Educational Objectives: 本专业培养能胜任在企事业单位(如新闻报刊部门、传播公司和营销传播部门、广播电视部门等)和政府相关部门从事编辑、记者、节目编播、节目主持、新闻发言人、策划与管理等传播理论与传播技术方面工作的高级大众传播学专业人才。 Our department provides professional training for senior professionals in mass communication engaged in editing, reporting, TV broadcasting, program hosting, news spokesman, media planning and managing of media theory and communication technology for enterprises and institutions (such as news department, communications and marketing departments, radio and television departments) and relevant government departments. 目标1:(扎实的专业基础)以新闻传播为核心,培养学生系统地掌握专业基本原理、方法和手段等。 Objective: (consolidate the basis of the special field) with News and Communication as the key training the students to systematically master the basic principles, methods, measures etc. of the special field. 目标2:(良好的专业技能)培养学生扎实的采写基本功以及电视报道、网络传播等专业技能以及相关的社交、公关能力。 Objective 2: (good technical abilities in the special field) train students to strengthen the basic technical abilities in interviewing, writing techniques including television reports, internet editing etc. and their capability of social intercourse and public relation. 目标3:(知识广博)培养学生宽广的知识面,思路广阔,头脑开放。 Objective 3: (extensive knowledge) train the students to broaden their range of knowledge, thinking and open their minds. 目标4:(独立精神)培养学生的自信心、独立思考和判断以及开展工作的能力。 Objective 4: (independent spirit) train the self-confidence, the capability of independent thinking, judgement and launching tasks of the students. 目标5:(团队合作意识)培养学生沟通和合作的能力,尊重并愿意考虑各种不同的观点。 Objective 5: (consciousness of working together in teams) train the communication and team work abilities of the students, respect and willing to consider different kinds of viepoints. 目标6:(可塑性)培养学生对社会改革和变化的适应性,准备从事相关不同的职业。 Objective 6: (plasticity) train the students to adapt to reforms and changes in society, prep


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