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Describe the pictures age height eyes hair clothes shoes Thief A Thief B Age about 20 about ________ Height quite_________ rather ________ Weight very thin very ________ Hair black and _______in colour ,quite _____hair, over his _______ _______hair; black baseball ____ Clothes ______T-shirt with red _______on it;blue______ dark ______shirt; red ________. Shoes _________shoes old, white _______ tall brown ears writing jeans black 17 short thin short cap blue shorts trainers thief n. 小偷,窃贼 notice v. 注意 rather adv.相当weight n.体重 baseball n. 棒球运动 long white Who do you think is a thief? Who do you think is a thief? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2 1 /t/ helped laughed pressed switched /d/ agreed moved carried turned /id/ ended lifted recorded visited A talk time B Speak up Who was I ? I lived twenty years/a hundred years/a thousand years/long/etc., ago. I lived in China/Japan/India/America, etc. I was a king/teacher/soldier/writer/scientist, etc. I taught/believed/said/discovered, etc. … Who was I ? Where did you study last year ? What happened? Simple past tense I studied in a primary school. The tree fell down. We add –ed to the past form of most regular verbs in positive sentences, e.g. showed, looked. We only add –d to verbs ending in --e.eg. noticed, stared, moved. We change the –y to –i and –ed to most of the verbs ending in –y, e.g. carried, hurried. We double the final consonant and add –ed to some verbs, e.g. dialled, stopped. Things to remember Things to remember 绝大多数规则动词 直接加-ed walk walked ask asked 以字母e结尾的规则动词 直接加-d arrive arrived agree agreed 以辅音字母加y结尾的规则动词 去y加-ied cry cried hurry hurried 以辅音字母+元音字母+辅音字母(W和Y除外)结尾的规则动词 双写结尾的字母再加-ed stop stopped dial dialled You worked as an architect two years ago. I stayed at home yesterday. Jane studied in Grade 1 last year. They moved to a new house last month. The man dialled 119 ten minutes ago. simple past infinitive simple past be break


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