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建筑防水施工技术综述 摘要:建筑防水工程是建筑工程中的一个重要组成部分,建筑防水技术是保证建筑物和构筑物不受水侵蚀,内部空间不受危害的分部分项工程和专门措施。渗漏不仅扰乱人们正常生活、工作生产秩序,而且直接影响到建筑物的使用寿命,由此可见防水效果的好坏,对建筑物的质量至关重要。建筑物渗漏问题是建筑物较为突出的质量通病,也是用户反映最为强烈的问题。渗漏产生的原因是多方面的,据有关资料表明,材料是基础,防水材料的质量问题不理想,一些防水材料存在鱼龙混杂,良莠不齐,一些产品粗制滥造质量低劣,同时防水工程最终是通过施工来实现的,而目前建筑防水施工多以手工作业为主,稍有疏忽便可能出现渗漏,国内外渗漏工程的调查结果都证明了这一点。在统计调查中,造成渗漏的原因,施工占45%,材料占22%,设计占18%、管理占15%【1】。因此,施工是确保建筑防水工程质量的关键。?由此可见,作为基础的防水材料的运用,质量和防水工程的施工技术则显得尤为重要。 关键词:重要性,建筑防水材料,运用,施工技术 Waterproof Construction Technology Building Student:shijianyue Adviser:yingdongbai Abstract: The construction project is a water-proof construction is an important component of the water-proof technology is the guarantee of construction of buildings and structures from water erosion, the internal space from hazards to the sub-projects and some special measures. Leakage not only disrupt the normal life of people, the work of the production order, but also directly affect the life of the building, we can see the effect of water quality, the quality of buildings is essential. Building leakage problem is more prominent buildings of quality defects, but also reflect the strongest users of the problem. Leakage causes are manifold, according to the information shows that the material is the basis of the quality of waterproof material is not ideal, the existence of some waterproof material cohabitation, mixed, some shoddy, poor quality products, at the same time the ultimate waterproofing is achieved through the construction and now the building construction and more water to the main manual, there may be a bit negligent leakage, leakage at home and abroad are the findings of the project proved this point. In the survey, resulting in leakage of reasons, construction accounted for 45%, materials 22%, 18% design, management, accounting for 15%. Thus, the construction is to ensure that the quality of the construction of key water projects. It can be seen as based on the use of waterproof materials, qu


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