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对我有什么意义 了解 了解公司财务管理指标 加深对公司目标和决策的认知 提高 更好帮助经销商拓展生意机会,培养深层合作关系 为晋升未来管理者作知识储备 帮助个人理财、投资决策 Part I – 财务报表 Financial Statement Finance KPI Volume to C1 C1 to C2 C2 to C3 C3 to C5 C5 to C10 损益表 (Volume, C1 – C10 ) Financial Ratios Profitability Ratios – 盈利能力指标 Help to answer: What is the profit earned per dollar of sales generated or per dollar of capital employed? Liquidity Ratios – 流动性指标 Help to answer: Will the company be able to meet its current financial obligations? Profitability Ratios Gross margin on sales – 销售毛利率 =(销售毛利 / 销售收入 )* 100% Unit C1 = C1 margin / Sales Volume Profit margin on sales – 销售净利率 =(税后净利润 / 销售收入 )* 100% Return on Average Capital Employed (ROACE) - 净资产收益率 ( 03 Target 24%) = (税后净利润 / 平均净资产 ) * 100% * 反映投资者投入企业的资本获取净收益的能力。 反映投资与报酬的关系。 Liquidity Ratio (流动比率)  a). Current Ratio – 流动比率 ( 2 : 1 ) = 流动资产 / 流动负债 * 表明每一元的流动负债有多少流动资产作为偿还的保障。 Q: 是否越高越好? 流动比率高是否代表一定可以偿还债务? b). Quick Ratio – 速动利率 ( 1) = ( 流动资产 - 存货) / 流动负债 Liquidity Ratio (流动比率) c). Stock day – 存货周转天数 = 月末平均存货 /日均销售成本 = Stock balance / COGS * 365 (SHELL) Target for LSC stock (additives Finished Goods) – 28 Days, actual is 26 days Distributor Stock Day, target on 15 Days in Shangrila I, actual is averaged from 20 – 25 days. d). Debtors day – 应收帐款周转天数 = 月末平均赊销应收账款 / 日均产品销售收入 = Outstanding / Rolling 3 months proceeds * 90 (SHELL) Lub DSO 04 Target on 22 Days, 04 Sep YTD Actual is 16.6 Days Part II – 投资评估 投资评估的定义 定义: The process to determine the benefit of a planned investments for a project with a risk based cash flow analysis approach. 例如 – EOL, IWS investment Investment for a new plant Divestment for a non-robust business 投资评估的取舍考量 Help you to decide whether it is profitable to undertake a particular project. – 盈利否? When you have a few alternative projects


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