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Food Sanitation Law
in Japan
November 2004
Food Sanitation Law
Chapter 1. General Provisions [Articles 1 to 4] 2
Chapter 2. Food and Food Additives [Articles 5 to 14 ] 3
Chapter 3. Apparatus and Containers/Packages [Articles 15 to 18] 9
Chapter 4. Labeling and Advertising [Articles 19 and 20] 10
Chapter 5. The Japanese Standards for Food Additives [Article 21] 10
Chapter 6. Principle and Plan of Inspection and Guidance [Articles 22 to 24] 10
Chapter 7. Examination [Articles 25 to 30] 12
Chapter 8. Registered Laboratories [Articles 31 to 47] 15
Chapter 9. Business [Articles 48 to 56] 20
Chapter 10. Miscellaneous Provisions [Articles 57 to 70] 24
Chapter 11. Penal Provisions [Articles 71 to 79] 29
Supplementary Provisions 31
Table (related to Article 33) 35
Food Sanitation Law Enforcement Ordinances 37
Food Sanitation Law Enforcement Regulations
Chapter 1. Food, Food Additives, Apparatus, and Containers/packages
[Articles 1 to 20] 52
Chapter 2. Label
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