Unit-3- Online- Travel培训课件.ppt

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Please share your paragraph with us. Daniel wants to write an article about his favourite educational computer game. Please help him complete the article on Page 56. My favourite computer game is called “______________”. It is an _____________________ game with _____levels. The main character__________________. She is 14 years old. Online traveller educational computer three is called Susan Ross Let’s check the answers. Para 1 Name of the game Number of Levels Main character Age The game is set in _________________. The goal of the game is to ______________________to learn _______________________and use this knowledge to ___________________. Let’s check the answers. Para 2 different countries travel around the world the history of each place open the treasure box Goal Area of study Setting The game ____________by _____________.It _____________by Sunshine Educational CD-ROMs Co. This game ______in China _________________. Let’s check the answers. Para 3 was designed Nancy Jackson was produced is sold Designer Producer Sold in the USA and Japan ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, Unit 3 Online Travel Main Task Review 1. What is the game called? 2. Who is the main character? 3. How many levels does the game have? 4. What is the goal of the game? 5. How old is the main character? Around the World in Eight Hours. Itchy Feet. Eight levels. To travel around the world in eight hours. Thirteen years old. Review 6. Who designed it? 7. Where is the game sold? 8. What is the area of study? 9. Where is the game set? Nancy Jackson. It is sold in all computer shops and bookshops. English and Geography. In different countries all over the world. Name of the game No. of levels Main character Age Setting Area of study Designer Sold in Profile Around the World in Eight Hours Eight levels Itchy Feet Thirteen years old In different countries in the world English and Geography Nancy Jac


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