Unit- Three培训课件.ppt

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合成动词 baby-sit 照看 brain-wash 洗脑 breast-feed 母乳喂养 bottle-feed 牛奶喂养 overthrow 推翻 合成名词的特点:词的主要成分多半有名词表示,次要成分可有各种词类表示 复合名词 名词 + 名词 cyber space 网络空间 network 网络 weekend 周末 businessman 商人 chairman 主席 spacecraft 太空船 形容词 + 名词 highway hardware 硬件 software 软件 blacklist 黑名单 deadlock 僵局 名词的数和格的构成及其用法 名词的数 复合名词的复数形式 将主要核心词后加 s: EX: looker-on --- lookers-on 旁观者 comrade-in-arms -- comrades-in-arms 战友 assistant directors 助理导演 passers-by 路人 atom bomb --- atom bombs blacklist --- blacklists by-product --- by-products childhood friend --- childhood friends 含man 或 woman的名词词组,两部分都变成复数 EX: men doctors women singers women teachers men servants 名词词组中心词为动词,则在名词词组最后面加s; EX: grown-ups go-betweens forget-me-nots 可数名词的复数 一般情况名词+s books; desks; chairs; 以s,x,ch,sh结尾的 名词+ es bosses; boxes; watches 辅音字母+y结尾,变y为i+es families, cities; 以f,fe结尾,变f,fe为ve+s lives; knives; ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, Unit Three 常用构词法 Examples I am studying at home. He is homeless. The house is nice. A farmer offered to house the sick traveler. the nurse takes care of the old lady. He is careful so that he won’t miss anything. He is such a careless guy that he often makes foolish mistakes in the test. 转化法 由一个词类转化为另一个词类 名词转化为动词 Ex: increase (增长;使增长) picture (图画;想象) house (房子;给….提供住宿;收留) cook (厨师;做饭) influence (影响) NB: 有些名词转化为动词,词形和拼法改变 food --- feed bath --- bathe blood --- bleed proof --- prove breath --- breathe flight --- fly 形容词转化为动词 narrow lower empty calm quiet EX: --- I couldn’t calm the little girl down. 我不能使这个小女孩安静下来。 --- The boy emptied the box and found a pencil in it. 小男孩到空盒子发现里面有一支铅笔。 派生法 加前缀法 表


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