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* 心电图各波段的组成与意义 心电图波段 相应心电活动 P波 心房除极波 PR间期 房室传导时间 QRS波群 心室除极波 ST段与T波 心室复极的 缓慢期与快速期 * QRS波群的命名原则 R波:首先出现的位于参考水平线以上的正向波 Q波:R波之前的负向波 S波:R波之后的第一个负向波 R’波:S波之后的正向波 S’波: R’ 波之后的负向波 QS波:QRS波只有负向波 振幅小可称为q、r、s、r’、s’ * QRS波的命名 R r qR Qrs QS Qr Rs rS qs rSr’ rSR’ qRs R波:首先出现的位于参考水平线以上的正向波 Q波:R波之前的负向波 S波:R波之后的第一个负向波 R’波:S波之后的正向波 S’波: R’ 波之后的负向波 QS波:QRS波只有负向波 * QRS波群的命名示意图 ? ? ? ? * 本课重点 心脏除极复极四项原则 心电图各波段名称及其代表意义 常规12导联体系构成及各导联连接方法、作用 * 整个心脏除极复极四项原则 1.除极,正电位在前、负电位在后; 复极,负电位在前、正电位在后。 2.探查电极对着正电位描出向上的波, 对着负电位描出向下的波。 3.除极进行得快,波陡直而窄; 复极进行得慢,波圆钝而宽。 4.除极自心内膜向心外膜进行; 复极自心外膜向心内膜进行。 本课重点1 * 心电图各波段的组成与意义 心电图波段 相应心电活动 P波 心房除极波 PR间期 房室传导时间 QRS波群 心室除极波 ST段与T波 心室复极的 缓慢期与快速期 本课重点2 * 本课重点3 * 下次内容提示: 心电轴、心脏钟向转位及正常心电图 Thanks * 加动作 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * * * Asleep * * QRS waveform nomenclature The ECG consists of a small deflection called the P wave, arising from the atria, a more complicated deflection called the QRS complex due to ventricular depolarisation and a final T wave resulting from repolarisation of the ventricles. The QRS complex of waves is the largest deflection of the ECG and is always spiky in shape. All sharp deflections resulting from electrical activation of the ventricles are called QRS complexes. However, these waves can vary immensely in size, and arrangement. The QRS complex is very important when diagnosing myocardial infarction. In order to be able to describe these complexes, a nomenclature for the waves is needed. This can be done using combinations of the letters q, r, s, Q, R, S, lower case letters denoting small waves and upper case larger waves. The first positive wave is labelled with r or R Any second positive wave is labelled r′ or R′ A negative wave which follows an R wave or r wave is labelled S or s A negative wave that precedes an R or r wave, is labelled a q or Q wave Any wave that is entirely negative is labelled qs or QS. Using these rules and nomenclature all QRS complexes can be described, enabling more accurate diagnosis. *


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