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* VT/VF心律失常 -有事件吗?时间与日期症状相关吗? AT/AF心律失常 -这次有无症状的事件发生吗? -有症状事件与日期/时间是否有关联? -是否节律控制(药物)增加了窦律维持时间? -是否对室率控制有了足够的控制(药物,VRP)? -是否中风风险有所增加? (由于持续时间长的事件增多导致) -是否VT/VF事件与AT/AF有关联? * Controlling the ventricular response (i.e., Rate-control) during atrial tachyarrhythmias is an important therapy strategy that physicians will use when managing atrial tachyarrhythmias. The Adapta Arrhythmia Summary Report is designed to provide concise information that may help them assess whether their pharmacological, ablative, or other treatment options are successful in achieving good rate control. The Adapta pacing system also offers a pacing option to help regularize and potentially reduce the rate of the V-V intervals during AT/AF episodes. This feature is called Conducted AF Response, and is designed to regularize the V-V intervals, even during fast conducting V-sense events, when an atrial tachyarrhythmia is in progress. With most of the data reported on the Arrhythmia Management Report, the information is also displayed on a corresponding programmer screen. Note: If Mode Switch is OFF, then only V-beats during detected AHR episodes are included in the ventricular response histogram “V. Rate During Atrial Arrhythmias.” * Restoring and maintaining sinus rhythm (Rhythm-control) in patients with atrial tachyarrhythmias is an important therapy strategy that physicians may use when managing atrial tachyarrhythmias. The Adapta Arrhythmia Summary Report, and in particular the Cardiac Compass Trends, is designed to provide long-term trending information that may help them assess whether their pharmacological, ablative, or other treatment options are successful in achieving a low overall AT/AF burden (i.e., low percentage of time spent in an atrial tachyarrhythmia). Cardiac Compass Trend – Atrial Arrhythmia Trend data, from either the Initial Interrogation Report, or by selecting the QuickLink? from the Quick Look II screen – may help assess Rhythm-


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