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经裂孔食管癌切除 拔脱器 置入拔脱器 拔脱食管 经腹部经右胸食管癌切除,胸内吻合(IVOR-LEWIS) 三切口食管癌切除颈部吻合(McKeown) 微创食管癌手术(MIE) 机器人食管癌切除 微创食管癌手术(MIE) 优点: 出血较少, 创伤小、恢复快,并发症发生率较开胸低;手术死亡率,生存期与开胸食管癌切除相比无显著差别。 缺点: 手术耗时较长,对操作者熟练程度及器械要求较高。迄今胸腹腔镜食管癌切除尚无统一的指征(早期)。 微创食管癌手术(MIE) 胸腔镜下食管癌切除的适应症: 胸腔没有广泛的胸膜粘连 肿瘤无外侵 肺功能可以耐受单肺通气 没有严重的合并症 食 管 癌 的 外 科 治 疗 食管切除: 吻合口部位:弓下、弓上及颈部 食 管 癌 的 外 科 治 疗 食管替代物: 胃、空肠、结肠。(管状胃的提出) 目前尚无满意的人工替代品。 食管替代物 细管胃的概念 食 管 癌 的 外 科 治 疗 术后常见并发症: 肺部并发症:肺部感染 吻合口并发症:吻合口出血、吻合口瘘、吻合口狭窄、吻合口复发、反流性食管炎 消化道功能障碍:胃排空障碍、腹泻、肠梗阻 乳糜胸: 感染、大出血、膈疝、神经损伤等 食 管 癌 的 外 科 治 疗 综合治疗: 放疗:对鳞癌效果好,腺癌疗效差。 联合化疗:术后以铂类(顺铂)为主的联合化疗。对腺癌的总有效率约为40%,鳞癌约为54%。 化、放疗+手术的联合治疗:对中晚期食管癌病例,术前放化疗+手术的综合治疗模式优于术前单放或化疗+手术的模式;能降低癌分期、提高切除率,对部分病例还能延长其生存期。 but, CT chest and abdomen -- only 60% accurate in detecting regional lymph node disease but, CT chest and abdomen -- underestimates tumor stage in 40% of patients Endoscopic ultrasound -- incorrect in determining wall depth 15-20% of the time Endoscopic ultrasound -- incorrect in determining nodal status 25 - 30% of the time Endoscopic ultrasound -- less accurate after neoadjuvant therapy * ?stage I disease—particularly Tis and T1aN0 by endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS)—may be considered for endoscopic therapy, such as endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR) or endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) * PET-CT for initial staging is considered to be a valuable tool for the detection of additional metastases and is also used for radiotherapy planning. Despite limited published evidence, induction chemotherapy is often being implemented. Improvement of dysphagia, quick start of therapy and control of systemic disease are the most prominent reasons for this strategy. 41.4–45 Gy are considered adequate in the neoadjuvant setting. The dose for definitive CRT is much more controversial, the opinions range from 50.4 Gy to over 60 Gy. After neoadjuvant CRT, restaging with CT scan is sufficient, some countries repeat endoscopy. PET-CT is not part of standard preoperative restaging so far.


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