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* 治疗疤痕 * 振动可作用的生理参数是血流,起因于血液粘质性的减少,以及循环平均速率增加。 (Kerschan et al., 2001). 振动对血液的影响 振动刺激也可激活升高压力的交感神经,可导致VASOCOSTRITTORY效应,可能由帕奇尼小体作为传入神经的感应器的活动引起的。 (Kerschan et al., 2001). THE VASOCOSTRICTION D.O. Dariva Davide * 临床案例- 水肿 初次治疗之前 … 初次治疗结束时 … 1周后 ! D.O. Dariva Davide * 处方 in fact when a body is subjected to vibrations for the whole body, all structures in sequence absorb the sum of the oscillations genereting an overload of the nervous system is not very suitable in neurological patients D.O. Dariva Davide On the contrary the focal vibrations on a selective areas of the body without excessively bind the nervous system and thus deemed to be indicated even in neurological patients D.O. Dariva Davide This because it acts directly on proprioceptors and meccanoreceptors D.O. Dariva Davide D.O. Dariva Davide Applying a vibratory stimulus to the muscle-tendon junction, to ensure that the vibration involving a fairly wide portion of the muscle, in the range of 100 - 200 Hz, make a change in reflection of the muscle tone under vibration limited to the muscle and its antagonists, in agreement with the model of the stretch reflex: excitation autogenetic and reciprocal inhibition. D.O. Dariva Davide You can perform the work in isometric and also in isotonic contraction these kind of work ar paticula indicated to improve the performance and the balance the interest of the beneficial effect of the vibration has aroused over the years more and more work in many countries, we would be happy that Saudi Arabia can contribute to this rich scientific D.O. Dariva Davide Vibration training involves a biological adaptation that appears to be related to an effect of strengthening neural, similar to that induced by training of strength and power. D.O. Dariva Davide vibrazioni meccaniche (100 Hz e 20 ampiezza lm) del muscolo quadricipite della gamba che ha subito la ricostruzione del LCA. Nelle nostre prove, la stimolazione è stata eseguita quando il muscolo quadricipite è stato mant



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