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第35 卷 第3 期 Vol. 35 No. 3 OFFSHORE OIL 2015 年9 月   Sep. 2015 文章编号:1008-2336 (2015 )03-0084-05 国内创新水下球型法兰设计研究 郎一鸣 (中海石油 (中国)有限公司上海分公司,上海 200030 ) 摘  要:以水下球型法兰国产化作为出发点,对水下产品中风险和技术难点相对集中的球型法兰进行研究。从水下球型法 兰的特点进行介绍,对比国内外球型法兰的发展情况,通过国内知名海洋石油水下法兰供应商对球型法兰的研发,结合东 海某项目水下用球型法兰的设计关键参数、制造及后续整体试验验证,得到其在国内海油水下项目适用性评估的结论,为 以后类似水深和工况的国产化球型法兰的应用提供参考。 关键词:海底管道 ;球型法兰;国产化 中图分类号:P634.3 文献标识码:A DOI:10.3969/j .issn.1008-2336.2015.03.084 Study on Design of Domestic Innovation Subsea Spherical Flange LANG Yiming , , (Shanghai Branch of CN OOC Ltd. Shanghai 200030 China ) Abstract: To promote localization process of subsea spherical flange in China, an intensive study on subsea spherical flange, which is full of technical difficulties and high risks, has been conducted in this paper. Firstly, a brief introduction to the characteristics of subsea spherical flange has been given, and then the development situations of subsea spherical flange in domestic and foreign coun- tries are compared. Finally, based on the research and development results by the well-known offshore oil domestic subsea spherical flange supplier, combined with the key design parameters of subsea spherical flange which will be used in one project in the East Chi- na Sea, a serials of subsea spherical flange manufacturing and follow-up overall system testing have been done. It is concluded that the subsea spherical flange is suitable in subsea application, which lay the technical basis for future application o


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