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矿物加工专业英语[1];Chapter 1 第一章 Introduction 导论 1.1 Mineral and Ores 矿物与矿石 1.1.1 Minerals 矿物 The forms in which metals are found in the crust of the earth and as seabed deposits depend on their reactivity with their environment, particularly with oxygen, sulphur, and carbon dioxide. Gold and the platinum metals are found principally in the native or metallic form. Silver, copper, and mercury are found native, as well as in the form of sulphides, carbonates, and chlorides. The more reactive metals are always in compound form, such as the oxides and suphides of iron and the oxides and silicates of aluminium and beryllium. The naturally occurring compounds are known as minerals, most of which have been given names according to their composition [e.g. galenalead sulphide, PbS; sphaleritezinc sulphide, ZnS; cassiteritetin oxide, SnO2].;专业词汇: Metal: 金属 crust:地壳 seabed deposits:海底矿 environment:环境 sulphur:硫 carbon dioxide:二氧化碳 Gold:黄金 platinum:铂金 native:自然的 metallic form:金属形式 Silver:银 copper:铜 mercury:汞 sulphide:硫化物 carbonate:碳酸盐 chloride:氯化物 reactive metals:活性金属 compound form:化合物形式 oxide:氧化物 silicate:硅酸盐 aluminium:铝 beryllium:铍 composition:成分 galena:方铅矿 lead:铅 sphalerite:闪锌矿 zinc:锌 cassiterite:锡石 tin:锡 iron:铁 ;参考译文: 金属在地壳中和海底的存在形式取决于它与其环境元素,尤其是与氧、硫和二氧化碳的化学反应活性。金和铂主要以“自然”或者说金属形式存在。银、铜和汞通常以硫化物、碳酸盐和氯化物形式存在,其单质形式亦存在。活性更大的金属总是以化合物形式存在,例如,铁以氧化物和硫化物形式存在,铝和铍以氧化物和硅酸盐形式存在。自然产生的化合物就称为矿物,大部分矿物是根据它们的化学成分而命名[如方铅矿硫化铅;闪锌矿硫化锌;锡石锡的氧化物]。;1.1.2 Metallic ores 金属矿 The abundance of metals in the oceans is related to some extent to the crustal abundancies, since they have come from the weathering of the crustal rocks, but superimposed upon this are the effects of acid rain-waters on mineral leaching processes; thus the metal availability from sea-water shown in table 1.2 does not foll



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