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2002 11 13 11
CH NESE JO U RNAL OF A PPL ED ECOL OGY , Nov . 2002, 13( 11)∃1377~ 1380
1* * 2
陈小勇 林 鹏
( 1 , 200062; 2 , 36 1005)
, . 20 80 ,
. , 0. 622,
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100 1- 9332( 2002) 11- 1377- 04 Q347 A
Mating system andinbreeding retrogressionof Casuar ina eq uisetif olia plantation, anintroducedspecies inXi
1 2 1
amen. CHEN Xiaoyong , L Peng ( Dep artment of Environmental Science, East China Normal University ,
Shanghai 200062; Dep art ment of Biology , Xiamen University, X iamen 36 1005) . Chin. J. App l . Ecol. ,
2002, 13( 11) : 1377~ 1380
Cas arina eq isetif olia, an introduced species, is a g ood shelter species planted alo ng coastlines due to its endur
ing sandy and saline habitats. Decline was, how ever, observed in C. eq isetif olia plantations in many areas since
1980! s. M ating system and inbr eeding retrog ression of a plantation of C. eq isetif olia in Xiamen and their roles
in the decline of C. eq isetif olia forests were thus r esearched using allozyme technique. M ultilocus outcr ossing
rate was 0622, lower than t hat expected from related species, indicating a mix edmating system, and mo re in
breeding caused through this introduction. Calculations from electrophoresis data show ed that ver y a high in
breeding retrogression occur red in the C. eq isetif olia plantatio n, indicating that inbreeding an its subsequent ret
rogression played an important ro le in the decline of C. eq isetif olia plantation. Allev iating the decline throug h
genot ype speciesintroduction was also proposed.
Key words O utcrossing rate, nbreeding retrogression, ntro
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