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? 膜分离技术及应用 ? 姓 名:?????????柯胜男 学 号:????????S1404051 流 水 号:??????? 反渗透技术的发展与应用 摘要:反渗透是本世纪60年代迅速发展起来的一种水处理工艺,目前,它用在城市用水、锅炉补给水、工业废水处理以及海水淡化和各种溶液中溶质分离等方面。 \t /_blank 反渗透技术,是当今最先进和最节能有效的 \t /_blank 膜分离技术。其原理是在高于溶液 \t /_blank 渗透压的作用下,依据其他物质不能透过 \t /_blank 半透膜而将这些物质和水分离开来。由于 \t /_blank 反渗透膜的膜孔径非常小(仅为10A左右),因此能够有效地去除水中的溶解 \t /_blank 盐类、 \t /_blank 胶体、微生物、有机物等(去除率高达97%-98%)。反渗透是目前 \t /_blank 高纯水设备中应用最广泛的一种 \t /_blank 脱盐技术,它的分离对象是溶液中的离子范围和分子量几百的有机物[1]。反渗透技术(RO)是一种采用膜分离的技术,它具有环保、适应性强、脱盐率高的特点。80年代初开始在我国得到发展,近些年在电力行业的水处理技术中得到广泛的运用。我国电厂应用反渗透技术已经发展了很多年 ,在很多地方还存在不少的问题。本文先简要分析反渗透技术的原理 ,进而分析反渗透技术在水电厂处理中的应用 ,分析反渗透技术存在的问题以及改进措施 ,希望能为相关人员带 来一些帮助。 关键调:反渗透技术、水的预处理、电厂 Abstract:Reverse osmosis is a water treatment process of the 1960s developed rapidly, at present, it is used in municipal water, boiler feed water, industrial wastewater treatment and desalination and various solutions solute separation and so on. Reverse osmosis technology is the most advanced and most energy efficient membrane separation technology. The principle is higher than the osmotic pressure in the role, according to other substances can not be through the semipermeable membrane of these substances and water separated. Because of the reverse osmosis membrane pore size is very small (only about 10A), it is possible to effectively remove dissolved salts, colloids, microorganisms, organic matter (removal of up to 97% -98%). Reverse osmosis is the high-water equipment in the most widely used desalination technology, its object is the separation of ions in solution range and molecular weight organics several hundred [1]. Reverse osmosis (RO) is a membrane separation technology, which is environmentally friendly, adaptable, desalination rate characteristics. The early 1980s to develop in our country in recent years has been widely used in the power industry, water treatment technologies. Our power plants and reverse osmosis technology has evolved over the years, there are still many


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