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苏州工业园区职业技术学院 SUZHOU INDUSTRIAL PARK INSTITUTE OF VOCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY 学生姓名: 张 三 专业班级: ×××××× 论文名称:大学生社会适应能力研究 指导教师: ×××××× 摘 要 大学生社会适应能力是大学生在大学校园生活环境中为达到与所处环境的和谐状态而必须具备的一种综合能力,主要由认知能力、独立生活能力、学习能力、人际交往能力、应对挫折能力和实践能力等方面构成。通过查阅已有成果及调查研究表明,大学生在社会适应能力方面存在着诸多不足,如认知能力较差,不能正确评价自我和他人;缺乏有效的学习方法和自主学习的能力;人际交往存在障碍;实践能力弱等。要提高大学生社会适应能力,应从学校教育和大学生自我教育两个方面入手,主要包括:强化认知训练,提高大学生的认知能力;加大“三自”教育力度,提高大学生的独立生活能力;注重学习方法的训练,提高大学生的学习能力;加强人际沟通,提高大学生的人际交往能力;优化心理适应的辅导,提高大学生的应对挫折能力;加大实践性教育的力度,提高大学生的应变能力等等,不断提高大学生社会适应能力、促使大学生健康人格的养成,从而最终促使大学生顺利适应新的社会角色。矚慫润厲钐瘗睞枥庑赖賃軔朧碍鳝绢懣硯涛镕頃赎巯驂雞虯从躜鞯烧论雛办罴噓剥淚軔琿閔馐虯圓绅锾潴苏琺锅苁。 关键词:大学生社会适应能力培养 Abstract Ability of social adaptation is a kind of integrate ability, which college students must have,being in harmony with the surroundings in the school campus .It is mainly composed of ability of cognition, independent life, learning, communication with others, cope with setback and ability of practice, and so on .According to the survey, it shows that in the ability of social adaptation college students lack rather badly ability of cognition in which they couldnt correctly evaluate ego and others, lack effective learning methods and ability of self-learning .And communication with others lacks obstacle, the ability of practice is very poor,Therefore, it is very necessary to improve college students ability of social adaptation. To improve the ability, the author thinks that we must start with two aspects: school education and self-education. The measures are strengthening cognition training to enhance the college students ability of cognition, intensifying, self-education, self-manage and self-service of college students to improve their ability of independent life, reinforcing more communications with others to improve ability of communication, strengthening the practice education in order to improve ability of meeting an emergency and more training mind adaptation to improve ability of coping with setback. All these measures finally aim t


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