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. PAGE . 人工生殖法律问题研究 法学专业学生 康延召 指导教师 张连民 摘要:现代人工生殖技术的出现,改变了人们传统的生育观念,在为不孕夫妇带来福音的同时,也使得法律制度受到了极大的冲击。传统社会以“分娩者为母”理论,以及婚生推定为基础建立起来的亲子关系制度,已难以解决日益复杂的新问题。与此同时,因人工生殖技术而引发的纠纷也越来越多,而相对滞后的相关法律制度使得司法机关在处理纠纷时益发力不从心。在新的制度建立之前,亟需以新的观念去审视夫妻生育权,亲子关系认定和人工生育子女的法律地位等问题,理清主体之间的法律关系。在此基础上更新婚姻家庭法律制度,对人工生殖技术的发展因势利导,造福于民。 关键词:人工生殖技术 夫妻生育权 亲子关系认定 子女法律地位 Research on the legal problems of artificial reproduction Student majoring in Law Kang Yanzhao Tutor Zhang Lianmin Abstract:Modern artificial reproductive technology has changed peoples traditional concept of childbearing. On one hand, it brings infertile couples the gospel. But on the other hand, it has a great impact on the legal system. It is difficult for the traditional society, which has the birth mother theory, as well as parent-child relationship system based on the presumption of legitimacy to solve the increasingly complex problems. At the same time, the disputes triggered by artificial reproductive technology are becoming more and more. On the contrary, the related legal system is relatively lagging behind, which makes the judicial organs have more difficulty in handling disputes. Before the establishment of new system, it is necessary to consider the issues,such as the right to procreate, parent-child relationship affirmation and the legal status of artificial fertility kids, thus making clear the legal relations between subjects. On this basis, the marriage and family law system should be updated. The artificial reproductive technology should be developed in the light of its general trend. Only in this way can it make benefit to the people. Key words: Artificial reproductive technology;Couples reproductive rights;Parent-child relationship;The legal status of children 科学技术的运用是一把双刃剑,在给人类的生存与发展带来便利的同时,也会或多或少的存在一定的隐患。正如人工生殖技术在为那些不孕不育患者带来福音的同时,也使得原本已经比较成熟的婚姻家庭法律体系受到猛烈冲击。近年来因人工生殖纠纷而引发的诉讼日益频繁。然而对于这一新生事物,与之相对应的规范却远远滞后,不能有效地加以处理。因而,社会亟需以一种新的方法来审视并解决这一矛盾。 一、人工生殖技术概述 人工生殖技术,是指根据生物遗传工程理论,采用人工方法生育出子女的一种生殖技术,包括人工授精,体外受精,代孕以及近来


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