
呼吸系统生理2-Gas exchange.ppt

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A severe reduction in the arterial concentration of oxygen in the blood can stimulate hyperventilation. Effect of low arterial PO2 on pulmonary ventilation PO2 ? ? ? respiratory activity Chemosensory neurons that respond to decreased oxygen levels in the blood “inform” the ventilation control center in the medulla to increase the rate of ventilation. The levels of oxygen, carbon dioxide, and hydrogen ions in blood and CSF provide information that alters the rate of ventilation. In summary: Regulation of respiration 1. Why is increased depth of breathing far more effective in evaluating alveolar ventilation than is an equivalent increase in breathing rate? Questions Questions 2. Describes the effects of PCO2, [H+] and PO2 on alveolar ventilation and their mechanisms. CO2? --- ? respiratory activity; Peripheral mechanism and central mechanism, the latter is the main one. [H+] ? --- ? respiratory activity; Peripheral mechanism and central mechanism, the former is the main one. PO2 ? --- ? respiratory activity; Peripheral mechanism is excitatory. Questions 3. What is the major result of the ventilation-perfusion inequalities throughout the lungs? 4. Describe the factors that influence gas exchange in the lungs. 5. If an experimental rabbit’s vagi were onstructed to prevent them from sending action potential, what will happen to respiration? HB分子由一个珠蛋白和4个含铁血红素组成。 * Chemical and thermal factors that alter hemoglobin’s affinity to bind oxygen alter the ease of “loading” and “unloading” this gas in the lungs and near the active cells. Chemical and thermal factors that alter hemoglobin’s affinity to bind oxygen alter the ease of “loading” and “unloading” this gas in the lungs and near the active cells. High acidity and low acidity can be caused by high PCO2 and low PCO2, respectively. CO2+H2O ? H2CO3 ? H++HCO3- Transport of carbon dioxide Forms of carbon dioxide transported Chemical combination: 93% Bicarbonate ion (HCO3-) : 70% Carbamino hemoglobin(氨基甲酸血红蛋白 ): 23%


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