第七章 医院感控与护理伦理.pptVIP

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脱卸手套四步曲: 1、将一手放在另一手套边缘,在拇指帮助下,外翻; 2、外翻脱下手套,并握在手心; 3、脱去手套的手插戴有手套的手内侧,外翻脱下手套,并包裹另只手套,一起丢入污物桶; 4、立即洗手。 戴手套不能替代洗手! = 标准预防内容 职业健康安全 1、若要人为去除针头时,应使用任何其他技术 和可用器械设备,有准备、有计划的保护针 套或去除针头; 2、用后的针头及尖锐物品应弃于耐刺、防渗漏 的容器内,且该容器应放在方便使用的地方; 3、在需要使用口对口呼吸的区域应备有可代替 口对口复苏的设备,并应将复苏的设备装袋 备用。 应用操作控制 ◆应用操作控制是指以将潜在的刺伤事故发生的可能降至最低的一种操作模式。 ◆用过的针应立即丢入到适当的防刺、防渗漏的利器收集箱内。如果用后的针不能立即处理,应使用单手回套;不要将针放入已经过满的利器收集箱中;相关工作 完成后,再脱掉手套; 摘掉手套后或接触体 液后立即洗手。 Three major factors influence the occupational risk of bloodborne infection. These factors must all be considered to fully understand the risk to healthcare personnel. First, if the patient population has a high prevalence of bloodborne infection, the risk to healthcare personnel is higher. Second, the risk of infection transmission after a blood exposure varies by type of exposure and the virus to which exposure occurs. Lastly, healthcare personnel who are frequently exposed to blood, especially if they work with sharp objects such as needles, have a higher risk of exposure to a bloodborne viruses than those rarely coming in contact with blood. In the next few slides, we will discuss each of these factors. * 全球安全注射联合会的调查表明:在医护人员被已感染病源的针尖扎伤导致的疾病感染概率中,乙肝的感染概率达30%,丙肝达3%,爱滋病达0.3%。特别需要强调的是乙肝,因为含有乙肝病原体的注射针在常温下二天左右还有传染性。 * This pie chart shows the types of exposures to blood and body fluids reported to NaSH between June 1995 and December 2000. There were 12,678 exposures reported, with percutaneous exposures accounting for 82% followed by mucous membrane exposures, non-intact skin, and bites. Contacts with intact skin and clean needlesticks are excluded, because they are not considered exposures. * As mentioned earlier, one factor to consider in assessing the risk of infection is the body substance to which healthcare personnel are exposed. This shows the concentration of HBV in various body fluids. On the left, in red, are the fluids with the highest concentration of virus. Moving from the left to the right side, th


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