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毕业设计(论文) 题 目 果业综合信息服务系统 设计与实现 专 业 网络工程 班 级 网络102班 学 生 杨少华 指导教师 于 蕾 2014 年 摘 要 在经济高速发展、科技日新月异的今天,传统果业模式已经与快速发展的高科技产生了脱节,传统果业向现代果业转变是我国果业发展的必然趋势。发展现代化果业对于促进农业结构调整,农村经济发展,农民收入增长将起到巨大的推动作用。因此,建立一个果业综合信息服务系统是很有必要的。 本课题从生产实际出发,分析当前的果业发展状况,结合现有的果业信息网站,建立一个时效性强、易于操作的果业综合信息服务系统,实现真正的信息智能管理和技术共享。本系统以.NET平台为基础,采用B/S架构模式、C#程序语言、ASP.NET实现技术和SQL Server 数据库开发方案来设计实现的。应用软件工程的基本思想,从可行性分析到需求分析,系统总体设计到详细设计,最后系统测试,一步一步严格按照上述步骤完成。 本系统最终成功的实现了基本的功能模块。前台部分实现了用户登录注册,果业信息浏览查看,用户注册登录后可进行在线问答,普通用户只能提问,专家既可以提问,也可以进行回复。同时,用户可在用户中心进行个人信息修改和密码修改操作。后台部分实现了管理员账号添加管理,还有管理员对前台的信息进行增删改的功能。 关键词:ASP.NET技术,B/S模式,信息服务系统,SQL Server数据库 ABSTRACT In the rapid economic development, the advancement of technology today, the traditional model has been the fruit industry and the rapid development of high technology to produce a disjointed, traditional to modern fruit industry change is an inevitable trend of development of Chinas fruit industry. Fruit industry for the promotion of the development of modern agricultural restructuring, development of rural economy, farmers income growth will play a huge role in promoting. Therefore, the establishment of an integrated information service system fruit industry is necessary. This paper from the actual production, analyzes the current state of development of fruit industry, combined with the existing fruit industry information site, to create a time-sensitive, easy to operate fruit industry integrated information service system, a real intelligent information management and technology sharing. This system With .NET-based platform, the use of B/S architecture model, C# programming language, ASP.NET and SQL Server database implementation techniques to design and implementation of development programs. The basic idea of the application of software engineering, from feasibility analysis to requirements analysis, system design to detailed design, final system test, step by step, in str


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