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扳 法 Pulling Manipulation 概念 Concept 用双手在治疗关节的两端做相反方向用力扳动肢体的手法,称为扳法。 A manipulation peformed with both hands pulling the two articular ends of the limbs with force in opposite directions. 分 类 Classification 颈部扳法 Pulling of the Neck 颈椎斜扳法 Obliquely-pulling of the Cervical Vertebrae 颈椎定位斜扳法 Obliquely-pulling after localizing cervical vertebrae 胸背部扳法 Pulling of Chest and Back 扩胸牵伸扳法 Chest-Expansion Pulling 胸椎对抗复位法 Counter-reduction of Thoracic Vertebrae 腰部扳法 Pulling of the Waist 一、腰椎斜扳法 Obliquely-Pulling of the Lumbar Vertebrae 单腿腰椎后伸扳法 Pulling of lumbar vertebrae with backward extension of one leg 侧卧位腰椎斜扳法 Obliquely-pulling of the lumbar vertebrae with the patient in a lateral position 双腿腰椎后伸扳法 Pulling of lumbar vertebrae with backward extension of two-legs 坐位腰椎斜扳法 Obliquely-pulling of lumbar vertebrae with the patient in a sitting position 二、腰椎旋转复位法Rotating Reduction of Lumbar Vertebrae 肩关节扳法 Pulling of Shoulder Joints 前屈、后伸扳肩法 Shoulder-pulling of Forward-flexion and Backward Extension 外展扳肩法 Shoulder-pulling in Abducting Manner 外展扳肩法 Shoulder-pulling in Abducting Manner 注意事项 Precaution 扳法动作在起势时,要稳妥、缓和,而在扳动的瞬间,则必须动作果断而快速,且用力刚强,两手配和要协调。 Pulling at the beginning should be steady and moderate, while at the moment of pulling, resolute and rapid, and firm force and coordination between the two hands are needed. 扳动的幅度不得超越正常的生理活动范围;扳动的方向,无论是多运动轴关节或单运动轴关节,在每次扳动时,只能选择一个运动轴所限定的方向施术。 The range of pulling should not be beyond the limit of normal physiological movements. As for the direction of pulling, only the direction of one moving axis can be chosen in the pulling, in the case of joints of multi-moving axes or a single moving axis. 在施用扳法时,往往受术关节会发生弹响声,这表明扳动的应力传递到位,手法复位成功。但在临床上,不一定每个人每次都会有此反应,只要扳动的方向与幅度正确,就会有效。故不必每次都以出现声响为手法成功的标准,更不能盲目地以扩大扳动幅度来追求弹响声。否则,往往会因过度的牵拉而造成关节、韧带的损伤。 In addition, in the course of pulling, there is usually a crack in the operated joint, which means the stress by pulling has reached the required position and su


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