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.. Unit 1 inclass reading Do some serious thinking about …认真的思考过。。。。。。 Make an attempt to do sth. Trigger an entire string of jokes from that persons’ memory bank. Tease sb by very selectively doing sth. Straightforward and entertaining Superficiality of external beauty外在美的浅薄性 Irreplaceable role不可替代的 Have a three-part anatomy有三部分构成 Here are some of the most common types of humor, which range from 。。。to。。。. Technique手段、技巧 Sth lies in the fact that。。。 Puns requires more subtle and sophisticated language skills than most humor forms. Somewhat Someone senses that…某人感受到。。。 Do nothing to …对什么没有作用. Incompetent 无能力的,不能胜任的 Consultant 顾问,会诊医生 Make a hit Subtlety妙处,敏锐,狡猾 the ~ of a double entendre. Straight-faced绷着脸 Mutual 相互的;共有的 The principal reason最重要的问题 Refined and reserved矜持有教养 Trees are selectively cut on a 25-years rotation. A string of 13 wins 十三连胜 Tempt sb to do sth.引诱,怂恿某人做某事 Afterclass reading Like clockwork极有规律性和准确性地;顺利地 Shatter people’s lives打碎,打破 Miscarriages(审判不公、误判)of Justice Bury one’s hands in doing sth It will continue to exert(发挥、运用;使受影响等) its fatal attraction. Have a cosy relationship with the government.亲切友好的 Hierarchy等级制度 Winning an Olympic gold medal was, I suppose, the supreme(最高的、至高的、最重要的) moment of my life. Without doubt确实(用于强调某个观点) Unit2 Inclass reading Crystalize my mind明确我的想法 Ever-ready(”ever-”=”always and continuously”) Retrieve取回,恢复 Turn around a day/life A body of(一队、一群) friends is doing sth. In a world too often cold and unresponsive. Our words can be read more than once, savored and treasured. Virtually事实上,几乎 ——It would have been virtually impossible to research all the information. Unit3 Inclass reading Become incorporated into ..合并,融入 This has a tremendous impact on … A similar subordination of female to male students has also … ——there was constant subordination of high standards to quick results. Assign them different tasks in accordance with按照、依照 stereotyped gender roles. Be deprived of剥夺 a vital learning experience Indicate暗示,表明 Develo


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