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word格式文档 PAGE 专业整理 本科生毕业论文(设计) 题 目__精密大豆播种机_____ 学 院__ 机电工程学院_____ 专业班级_农业机械化及其自动化07级2 学生姓名 __ XXX _____ 指导教师 XX 撰写日期:2011年 5 月 10 日 专业整理 摘 要 我国的农业生产及农业机械化发展较快,化肥产量及施肥量逐年增加,播种机械化及播种同时施种肥的要求与日俱增。本文主要是针对我国普遍撒播的碳铵等易潮解、粘结,易挥发、易分解的肥料而对排肥机械结构进行的改进设计。通过一些已有记录的和进行的实验数据而设计改进了振动搅龙式排肥结构。这种排肥结构主要是由肥箱、肥箱底座、振动板、拨轮、螺旋排肥搅龙和肥量调节板组成,其结构基本原理是肥料在受到振动板振动的作用下,而在箱内形成肥料流。这样的结构能使肥料不易发生堵塞、架空和结块。这种排肥结构适合我国的排肥机械农业现状,有益普遍推广。 关键词:肥量调节板,拨轮-凸轮,振动板,排肥器 The Subject of Undergraduate Graduation Project of HEAU Abstract Chinas agricultural production and rapid development of agricultural mechanization, fertilizers and fertilizer production increased year by year, sowing and planting mechanization kinds of fat while increasing demand for facilities. This article is for general broadcast of the ammonium bicarbonate and so easy to deliquescence, bond, volatile, decomposition of manure and fertilizer on the schedule for the improvement of the mechanical structure design. Some have been recorded by the experimental data and is designed to improve the vibration of fertilizer auger-type structure. This structure is mainly of fertilizer from the fertilizer box, fertilizer tank base, vibration plate, trackwheel, screw auger of fertilizer and manure volume control panels, the structure of the basic principle is subject to vibration plate fertilizer under the action of vibration, and in formed inside the fertilizer flow. Such a structure can not easily clogged fertilizer, overhead, and agglomeration. The structure of fertilizer for agricultural machinery in Chinas current situation of fertilizer, good for general promotion. Key Words:Fat volume control board; Jog Dial – cam; vibration plate,;fertilizer apparatus 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u 1 引言 1 2 种肥简介 1 2.1固态种肥的分类及施用方法 1 1.2 肥料特性 3 2 排肥器 4 2.1 排肥器性能要求 4 2.2 排肥器的种类及特点 4 2.2 排肥器的选择 9 2.3 振动式排肥器的设计要求 11 2.3.1 调量板 12


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