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1. It is important to figure out exactly what you want to tell the audience and what you are trying to get them to do. figure out 弄清楚,弄懂,计算出 e.g. I can’t figure out why he is absent. 我弄不明白他为什么缺席。 It didn’t take the children long to figure out the correct answer. 孩子们没有花很多时间就算出了正确的答案。 2. In order to determine your audience, you will need to do a little research and analysis in advance. determine v. 确定,查明 e.g. Shall we determine what we are going to do next? 我们来确定一下下一步该做什么吧? 3. It is important to always try to appeal to the audience in order to get them to react in a certain way. appeal to 有吸引力,引起兴趣 e.g. The programme appeals especially to young children. 这个节目特别受小朋友欢迎。 动词react 的意思是“反应”。 e.g. I wonder how they are going to react to my suggestion. 我不知道他们对我的提议会有什么反应。 4. There are lots of different ways to get your message across when you are putting together an ad campaign. get something across的意思是“将……表达清楚”。 e.g. John has a way to get his opinion across while using as few words as possible. 约翰用最简短的语言将自己的观点表达清楚。 5. If we can convince young people not to start, they might them urge their parents and other people to give up smoking, too. urge vt. 敦促,力劝;竭力主张 n. 强烈的欲望,冲动 e.g. The report urged that all children be taught to swim. 这份报告呼吁给所有的儿童教授游泳。 The situation is dangerous, but the UN is urging caution. 局势岌岌可危,但联合国力主谨慎行事。 He has an urge to become a film star. 他非常希望成为电影明星。 Fill in the blanks with proper words according to the initials or Chinese. 1. The organization’s t______ was to double its membership. 2. When c_________, the museum will be open to the public. 3. The singer’s voice a______ to many fans. arget ompleted ppeals 4. The members didn’t attend the meeting for v______ reasons. 5. Teachers should develop new a_________ to teaching. 6. My mother r______ angrily to the lies that I told her. pproaches eacted arious 7. It is __________ (非常地) important for us to grasp a foreign language. 8. The purpose of the film is only t


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