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基于运算放大器的带通滤波器的设计与物理实现 院 系:机电与自动化学院 专 业 班:自动化0902班 姓 名:卢扬 学 号:20091184054 指导教师:刘政廉、何为 2013年5月 基于运算放大器的带通滤波器的设计与物理实现 Design and Physical Implementation of Band-pass Filter Based on Operational Amplifier 摘 要 几乎在所有的工程技术领域中都会涉及到信号处理问题。滤波器作为信号处理的重要组成部分,已发展的相当成熟。有源带通滤波器以其良好的幅频特性,在信号的分析与测量中得到广泛应用。根据标准有源带通滤波器原理,采用频域分析法,可得出有源带通滤波器的特征频率计算公式。本论题基于实际要求的基础上,设计了一个中心频率500Hz,增益为1,通频带20Hz的带通滤波器。这里分别介绍了运算放大器和低阶滤波器的工作原理以及高阶滤波器中比较常用的巴特沃兹响应及切比雪夫响应。并在Filter Pro的开发环境下采用级联设计方法设计了一个符合要求的高阶有源带通滤波器。由于要求滤波通频带较窄,以及陡峭的截止频率,本设计采用性能理想的uA741,在Tina-Ti环境下进一步对仿真电路元件参数进行趋近实际的整定,并同时模拟输入了有效信号与干扰信号,得到了符合要求的输出波形。最后在理想的幅值特性数字仿真的基础上进行实际电路的搭建与调试。 关键词:有源窄带带通滤波 频域分析 幅频特性 高阶带通滤波器 Abstract Active band-pass filter with good frequency characteristics, widely used in signal analysis and measuring. According to the principle of active band-pass filter criteria, using frequency domain analysis, a formula to calculate characteristic frequencies of the active band-pass filter. This thesis based on the actual requirements, have designed a band-pass filter with center frequency of 500Hz, gain of 1, and pass band 20Hz.Here introduces Butterworth and Chebyshev response common response principle of operational amplifier and filter of low order and high order filter. And in the Filter Pro development environment using cascade design method is designed to meet the requirements of a high order active band-pass filter. Because of the requirements of filter pass band is narrow, and the steep cut-off frequency, this design uses the properties of the ideal uA741, in the Tina-Ti environment further tuning approach the actual simulation of the circuit parameters, and at the same time the analog input of the effective signal and interference signal, has been in line with the requirements of the output waveform. Finally, building and debugging of the actual circuit based on ideal digital amplitude characteristic simulation. Key words: active narrow-band band-pass filter frequency-domain analysis amplitude- fr


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