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超声波和在线局放检测 摘要 绝缘中的局部放电是引起电介质老化的重要原因之一。如果电气设备在正常运行电压下,其绝缘中就已经出现局部放电现象,这意味着绝缘内部存在局部性缺陷,而且这种过程必然会在整个运行期间继续发展,达到一定程度后,就会导致绝缘的击穿和损坏。测定电气设备在不同电压下的局部放电强度和发展趋势,就能判断绝缘内是否存在局部缺陷已经介质老化的速度和目前的状态。因而电气设备制造厂和电力系统运行部门都很重视局部放电的检测,它已经成为确定产品质量和进行绝缘预防性试验的重要项目之一。 本文叙述了用超声波法测局部放电的基本设计思路。并对局部放电产生的机理和局部放电产生超声波的机理以及局部放电信号的提取做了一定的介绍。 关键词:局部放电,超声波的产生,信号提取 Abstract Partial discharge in insulation is one of the important reasons of dielectric aging. If the phenomenon of partial discharge has occurred in the insulation of the electrical equipment under normal operating voltage, which means local flaws exist in insulation, and this process will certainly continue to develop during the whole operation, reached a certain level, it will lead to insulation breakdown and damage of insulation. Measuring intensity and trends of partial discharge of electrical equipment at different voltage, we can determine the existence of local defects in insulation and dielectric aging rate and the current state. Thus electrical equipment factory and power system operation departments attach great importance to the detection of partial discharge, it has become to determine the insulation quality of products and one of the important preventive tests of insulation. ?This paper,in order to,partial discharge,describes the basic design ideas which are used ultrasonic method. In addition,the paper introduce mechanism of the partial discharge produced,the mechanism of ultrasonic generation of partial discharge and signal extraction of partial discharge. Key words:Partial Discharge,ultrasonic generation , signal extraction 目录 TOC \o 1-4 \h \z \u 第一章 绪论 1 1.1研究意义与目的 1 1.2国内外研究现状 1 1.3局部放电检测方法 2 1.3.1.脉冲电流法 2 1.3.2.介质损耗检测法 2 1.3.3.超声波检测法 3 1.3.4.化学检测法 3 1.3.5.光检测法 3 1.3.6超声波法检测局部放电的特点 4 1.4局部放电基本概念 5 1.5局部放电与超声波的关系 5 1.6本文的主要工作 6 第二章 超声波法检测局部放电的原理与设计 7 2.1局部放电的机理 7 2.1.1局部放电基本概念及原理 7 2.1.2 放电过程 9 2.1.3表征局部放电的参数 10 2.1.4 影响局部放电的因素 14 2.2 局部放电产生超声波的机理 16 2.3超


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