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stories ARIES (The Ram) 白羊座 话说古希腊波底亚国王Athamas娶了云中仙子Nephele做王后后,始乱终弃,另娶了Thebes王国的公主Ino为后,而狠心的Ino却想谋害王子Phrixos,好让自己的儿子可以在将来继承王位。后来在一次全国饥荒中,Ino和神殿的使者串通,嫁祸给Phrixos。国王听信了Ino的话,准备王子处死时,突然一头长着金毛的公羊从天而降,将王子救到Colchis。Phrixos为了感激自己得救,便将金羊宰了,将羊肉献给Zeus,将金羊毛送给Colchis的国王。故事中的金羊便是白羊座。 TAURUS (The Bull) One pleasant early afternoon, Europa the daughter of King Phoenix was plucking grass by the side of the river when a great snow-white bull appeared as if from nowhere, and approached her. Astonished by the beauty of the bull, she forgot her caution and sat on the bulls back. The bull was actually Zeus, the King of the Gods, in another form. Zeus carried off Europa across the Mediterranean Sea to the Grecian island of Crete, where he married her. Ever since that time, the land to which Europa was carried by the bull has been known by the name Europe. 金牛座 关于金牛座的神话有很多故事。其中有一个是讲述Zeus爱上了Phoenicia王国的Europa公主,Zeus便化身成为一头既漂亮又温驯的公牛来接近她。当Europa好奇并骑上了这头巨大的公牛时,这头公牛竟然狂跳起来,载着Europa飞越重洋。他们经过海洋时,惊恐的Europa了解到这头公牛的身份并且恳求原谅。Zeus就赶紧现出原形向Europa倾诉他的爱意,并与她举行了盛大的婚礼。根据传说,欧洲大陆就是以Europa为命名的。 GEMINI (The Twins) The twins Castor and Pollux were the children of Zeus, the King of the Gods, and Leda the Queen of Sparta. The two were devoted friends, extremely brave, and together achieved great fame from their exploits on the famous Argo expedition and many other adventures. The twins were always helping each other. In one battle, Castor was mortally wounded and died. In his grief, Pollux tried to take his own life, However Pollux had inherited more of the blood of his father Zeus, and was therefore immortal. Looking on as Pollux cried Let me go to my brother Castor, Zeus took pity and raised both twins into the sky. Ever since, they have stood as a symbol of friendship. 双子座 双子兄弟Castor和Pollux同是Leda的儿子。兄长Castor是Sparta国王所生,弟弟Pollux则是Zeus所生,于是Pollux拥有长生不老之躯。Castor及Pollux两兄弟,从小人缘及感情都非常好。Castor擅于骑术和驯马,常结伴狩猎及参加冒险活动,而Pollux则擅长拳击。在某次战役中,哥哥被杀死了,Pollux非常伤心。最后Pollux只好向Zeus许愿,愿意以自己的生命换回兄长的性命,Zeus怜悯Pollux的手足情深,决定让他们永


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