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5 月 11 日雅思大陆卷及亚太作文回忆 ! 更多给力英语干货看这里 ↓ 加微信 备注 :雅思 拉大家进资料群~ 大陆考试回忆 听力 Section1 : 主题:电影俱乐部 holbrook student 22 89460 733 parking history horror software biog raphy teenagers Section2 : 主题:旅游 B. couples C. room with individual pool A. the town A. the picnic area C. because its suitiable for people of all ages B. thursday ang friday B. free bus transfer E. a tour booking office B. learn about bush medicine C. meet the artists Section3 : 主题:关于各种媒体的研究 B. precise targeting of consumers D. no need for intermediaries G. relatively long -lasting A. no geog raphical limits C. a captive audience F. networking opportynities B. kepp some funds in reserve for when business is slow C. it will make the assighment too long A. getting feedback from customers C. asking employees to describe the product Section4 : 主题:Biomimicry 仿生学 hunting steel hair fishing sports pain noise boards tunn 【我们每次都公派 2位老师去考试 ,简单版回忆仅供参考 ,后面有详细回忆哦】 阅读 Passage1 教育学的多元智能理论 T T NG F discussions recordings obervation skills construction materials emotions collections proficiency failure individual difference Passage2 蜘蛛丝 vii v ix i iv vi B A C A bacteria gland force Passage3 心理学的说服理论 C A B B C H A I B C H A I B E NG Y N 写作 Task1 静态饼图 The main regions that received exports from three Latin American Countries (阿根廷 智力 墨西哥 ) Task2 (新题 ) Most worlds problems are caused by Over-population. What extent to you agee or disagee ? #5 月 11号 亚太区写作回忆# 小作文 :英国家庭 30 年间拥有不同数量私家车家庭的数量变化 ,四根折线。 report 大作文 : ,一些雇佣者发现刚毕业的新被雇佣者缺少了一些与人沟通的基本 能力 ,就像他们缺少和同事在一个组工作的能力。


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