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How real life and textbook compare S:Would you like something to drink S:Madam would you like something to drink P:Sorry S:Something to drink P:Yes please I`d like coffee P:Coffee Please S:With milk P:Yes please S:One milk or two P:One please S:No milk then Are you taking drugs? You haven`t got a £5 note I haven`t. That`s why I give you coins. Our thoughts are more precise then our words W: When will you be back? H: I should be back by Eight but you know what trains are like. Locutionary act: I produce a sentence with determinate sense (true value) and reference. Illocutionary act: I produce an utterance which counts as warnings, apologizing in advance, criticising trains, etc. Perlocutionay effect: My wife makes dinner, buys lottery ticket, etc. Do teachers pay too much attention to the public properties of words and too little to their cognitive functions? What you can find out about a word if you look in a dictionary About vocabulary teaching So this is the choice:methodology We learn a language in order to use it: languages are teachable. We use a language in order to learn it: languages are learnable. Applications: pragmatic approach to foreign language teaching / SLA / FLA / language testing / (cross-cultural/ intercultural/interpersonal ) communication / translation /advertising /literary analysis / social administration / business negotiation /propaganda, etc. 文秋芳教授 作为语言教师,我们在讲授语言规范的同时应增强语用意识,提高学生对不同文化、不同情境的敏感性,从而有效、得体地使用语言。 Readings: Read articles that introduce the field of pragmatics and find information on the following: a. The origin of pragmatics b. The relation between pragmatics and semantics 妈妈,那是什么? 句子的字面意义: 说话人对妈妈的一个询问,询问妈妈附近或者远处的某事物是什么东西。 话语的语境意义: ①儿子用手指着面包店卖的面包,明知那是面包,却故意询问,此时她表达的意思是“妈妈,我想吃面包” 或者“妈妈,我饿了”。 ②儿子在动物园里用手指着从未见过的长颈鹿说此语,就仅是一种询问,不可能是要表达“我想买长颈鹿”或“我想吃长颈鹿”。 今天是星期天。 句子的字面意义: 一个判断,说话人说话的当天是一个星期七天中的第一天。 话语的语境意义: ①妻子对伏案工作的丈夫说此语,意思是建议他好好休息。 ②妻子对答应星期天帮她作家务活的丈夫说此语,意思是提醒丈夫快去作家务。 ③想去春游的儿子对让他在家复习的妈妈说此语,意思是请求或建议他妈妈带她去玩或者同意他去玩


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