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Example So far, the European Commission is wary of encouraging Gypsies to present themselves as a nation. That might, it is feared, open a Pandora’s box already containing Basques, Corsicans and other awkward peoples. (The Economist ) Corsicans科西嘉人。科西嘉岛是地中海中的岛屿,1769年被强行并入法国领土;拿破仑一世的出生地。自从被侵占后,科西嘉人从未停止民族独立运动。 Example So far, the European Commission is wary of encouraging Gypsies to present themselves as a nation. That might, it is feared, open a Pandora’s box already containing Basques, Corsicans and other awkward peoples. (The Economist ) Pandora’s box潘多拉之魔盒,典出希腊神话。比喻“灾难之源”或“由于不明智的干预而引起许多难以解决的复杂问题”。 Example The idea of March looms as a crucial time. Pollster Richard Wirthlin and Counsellor Ed Meese have warned the president that just about now President Carter began to yield to outside clamor. He lost his power through retreat(退却) and vacillation(动摇犹豫).( Time) “idea of March”指古罗马日历的三月十五日,比喻“危险即将来临的日期”。典出莎士比亚悲剧Julius Caesar(《裘力斯?恺撒》)。 Essential Techniques for Reading English News 1.Familiarity with news English vocabulary. Essential Techniques for Reading English News example run, race, juice, measure, Speaker, chemistry, establishment, take a walk, go fishing, high profile, dry, wet, He blinked, I’m a family man may mean respectively in daily English“跑”、“竞赛”、“汁”、“措施”、“发言人”、“化学”、“建立”、“散步”、“去钓鱼”、“高姿态”、“干”、“湿”、“他眨了眨眼”、和“我是一个有家室的人”。 * Learning Aim The Basic Layout of English Newspapers General Features of News English Different Styles of News Articles The Significance of Newspaper Reading 1. Good learning Resources for English learners for the rich vocabulary, which includes various idioms, common sayings and diverse phrases. The Significance of Newspaper Reading 2. Enable the learners to enhance their reading ability by providing authentic English learning material. The Significance of Newspaper Reading 3. Broaden the readers’ horizon, being the major access to world news. The Significance of Newspaper Reading 4. Good helper for the learner


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