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图A 肝脓肿 图B 胰腺NEC肝转移。靶征(A),环形强化(B) * 淋巴瘤 * 差别在哪里? Bile duct system 胆道系统的异常影像学表现 胆道梗阻与扩张 充盈缺损与腔内异常密度 胆道系统管壁异常 Obstruction Different levels Intrahepatic duct Hepatic duct Common hepatic duct Common bile duct Vater’s ampulla 无梗阻的胆道扩张 充盈缺损 Filling defect 胆道腔内异常密度 胆道壁异常密度、异常强化? 5 months later… Pancreas Size Shape and border Density Enhancement Pancreatic duct Size, shape and the border Density Enhancement 囊性病变:无强化 实性病变:低/高强化;不均匀强化 Pancreatic duct The density of the pancrea is abnormal True False The pancreatic duct is dilated True False 脾脏 大小及数目异常 size and number 密度异常 density 强化异常 enhancement:血管及淋巴系统 大小及数目异常 密度异常 强化异常 Which spleen is abnormal? A B A B A+B Take home message 消化系统实质性脏器的读片规范 位置localization 大小size 形态shape 密度density 强化enhancement The end * * * MRCP等全称及图 及动画 * * 低密度,高强化 * 三环,双环,单环 * 填充式强化,快进慢出 * Abdominal CT 腹部实质性脏器的正常及异常影像学表现 Which animal is your favorite 1 2 3 4 CT增强的各期如何分辨 Please arrange the images A-D in the order of nonenhanced, arterial, portal and delay phase A B C D A,B,C,D B,C,A,D D,B,C,A C,B,D,A 图像是上下连续的。。。 Hepatic lobes and segments left lateral superior/inferior medial caudal left right caudal right anterior superior/inferior posterior superior/inferior *肝裂:fissures 左叶间裂 肝主裂 Bile duct system Bile duct: intrahepatic duct 肝内胆管 Hepatic duct 左右肝管 Common bile duct胆总管 Gall bladder胆囊及胆囊管 How many different imaging tools for cholangiography? MRCP(Magnetic Resonance Cholangio-Pancreatography) CTCP(Computed Tomography Cholangio-Pancreatography) ERCP(Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangio-Pancreatography) PTC(Percutaneous Transhepatic Cholangiography) 左侧肝内胆管 肝总管 胆总管十二指肠后段 胆总管胰内段 胆管系统的变异 Pancreas Fat infiltration Pancreatic duct Pancreas 胰头、胰颈、胰体、胰尾、胰腺钩突 MSCT Cholangiopancreaticography Spleen 脾高; 肋单位; 分叶; 副脾accessory spleen; 脾脏的强化: arterial phase 脾动脉 肠系膜上动脉 肠系膜下动脉 胃十二指肠动脉 胃左动脉 肝


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