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1.功能性食品的定义:functional food“ is defined as whole food, food supplement, enriched or fortified food with beneficial health effects when consumed as part of a regular diet[2]-[4] a food product can only be considered functional if together with the basic nutritional impact. it has beneficial effects on one or more functions of the human organism thus either improving the general and physical conditions or/and decreasing the risk of the evolution of diseases. The amount of intake and form of the functional food should be as it is normally expected for dietary purposes.功能性食品是一种有功能因素的食品,和普通的营养因素相比起来。它可以对人体的器官产生有益的影响包括提高人们的身体状况和减少疾病发生的风险。功能食品的摄入量应该和普通食品相似,不以治疗为目的。 2.功能性食品的特征:Functional foods promote health in terms of both improving well-being (mental and physical conditioning) and reducing the risk of diseases. To be concrete, these are thought to be such useful effects as bioregulation, including central action, peripheral action, appetite, and absorption; biodefence, including immunostimulation and suppression of allergies; and prophylaxis against hypertension, diabetes, cancer, hypercholesterolemia, anemia, and platelet aggregation as well as prevention of geriatric diseases through reduction of reactive oxygen species (ROS)。[1]、[5]-[6] 功能食品要促进健康,所谓的健康包括两方面,一方面是 3.功能性食品的定位:consumers are nowadays demanding foods that support wellness and energy, promote intestinal health ,manage weight, stimulate immunity and improve brain function [2]、[9]-[10] 消费者现在需求的食品是 能够提高人们的健康度和精力,从而促进健康的持续、体重的平稳 、免疫力的提高和大脑功能的提升。 Functional foods, with their bioactive constituents, are a potential strategy to mitigate the increased risk of chronic diseaseamong older adults[4]、[7]-[8] 功能性食品拥有生物活性因素使其成为一种潜在的能够减少老人中慢性病发生的风险 保健食品:声称具有特定保健功能或者以补充维生素、矿物质为目的的食品,即适宜于特定人群食用,具有调节机体功能,不以治疗疾病为目的,并且对人体不产生任何急性、亚急性或者慢性危害的食品 营养素类产品也纳入了保健食品的管理范畴 区别:保健食品是被国家批复的,有健字号的产品。对 人体有明显的保健作用。但是 功能性食品是没有被明确批复的,但在某些保健方面有一定的功能 保健食品的范围: 增强免疫力;辅助降血脂;辅助降血糖;抗氧化;辅助改善记忆;缓解视疲劳;促进排铅;清咽;辅助降血压;改善睡眠;促进泌乳;缓解力疲劳;提高缺氧耐受力


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