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Science in Foods and Nutrition 食物及营养中的科学 Instructor: Cathy Ang, Ph. D. October 1, 2013, WMI, Honolulu, HI 2013年10月1日,世界道医学院,夏威夷 Session 2, Fall, 2013 Micronutrients –continued 2013年秋季第二部分 微观营养学 – 继续 Micronutrients (Micro Food Components) 微观营养素 (微观食物构成) Water- soluble vitamins: 水溶性维生素 Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid) 维生素C (抗坏血酸) Vitamin B: 维生素B: Thiamin (B1), 硫胺 B1 Riboflavin (B2), 核黄素 B2 Niacin (B3), 烟酸 B3 Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine), 维生素 B6 Folate; folic acid 叶酸 Vitamin B12 (cobalamin), 维生素 B12(氰钴胺素) Biotin (B7), 生物素(B7) Pantothenic acid (B5) 泛酸 (B5) Fat-soluble vitamins: A, D, E, and K 脂溶性维生素:A,D,E和K Nutrient deficiency-related diseases: 缺乏相关营养素造成的疾病: Scurvy -- bleeding gum, easy bruising, frequent infection… from lack of ……. Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid) 坏血病 牙龈出血,易受伤,易感染。。。 由于缺乏。。。 维生素C (抗坏血酸) Beriberi – numbness and tingling in toes and feet, stiffness of the ankles, muscular weakness … due to the lack of …. Thiamin (B1) 脚气病 – 脚和脚趾麻木刺痛,脚踝僵硬,肌肉瘦弱,由于缺乏维生素B1 (硫胺) Skin problems, red, swollen, cracked lips at the corners on mouth … due to the lack of ……….. Riboflavin (B2), 皮肤问题,红,肿,嘴角破皮。。。 由于缺乏维生素B2(核黄素) Nutrient deficiency-related diseases: 缺乏相关营养素造成的疾病: Reddish skin rash, on face, hand and feet when exposed to sunlight, skin becomes rough and dark … possibility due to the deficiency of …. Niacin (B3), 暴露在阳光下后在脸上,手上和脚上出现微红色皮疹,皮肤变得粗糙和暗淡,可能是由于缺乏维生素B3 (烟碱酸; 尼亚新) Pernicious anemia (body inability to produce normal red blood cells), may be treated with …. Vitamin B12 (cobalamin), 严重贫血(身体无法制造正常的红细胞),可以用维生素B12(氰钴胺素)来治疗 The risk of neural–tube defects may be reduced by getting adequate …… Foliate; folic acid 神经管道受损的风险可以通过补充充足的叶酸来降低 Nutrient deficiency-related diseases: 缺乏相关营养素造成的疾病: Night blindness, dry eyes and mouth, … could be due to the deficiency of …… Vitamin A 夜盲症,眼睛和嘴巴干涩,可能的原因是由于缺乏维生素A Soft bones, rickets in children, osteomalacia in adults, bone pain and tenderness and muscle weakness…. could be from the l


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