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The Hall of Supreme Harmony, also called the Throne Hall, is the largest hall in the Forbidden City. The Hall of Supreme Harmony was built on a 工-shaped marble terraces. The marble terrace with stone carvings is over 10 meters high, with 21 steps in the bottom part and 9 steps in the middle and upper parts respectively. On the two sides are decorations of an elephant, crane, unicorns, and other real and mythical creatures. 角 端 There are 72 pillars supporting the whole palace. Six of them are carved with dragon designs and gilded with gold encircled the throne 藻 井 藻 井 藻 井 中国传统建筑中室内顶棚的独特装饰部分。一般做成向上隆起的井状,有方形、多边形或圆形凹面,周围饰以各种花纹、雕刻和彩绘。多用在宫殿、寺庙中的宝座、佛坛上方最重要部位。现存最早的木构藻井,是蓟县独乐寺观音阁上的藻井,建于984年,为方形抹去四角,上加斗八(八根角梁组成的八棱锥顶)。北京故宫太和殿上的蟠龙藻井,是在八角井上设一圆井,当中为一突雕蟠龙,垂首衔珠,称为龙井,是清代建筑中最华贵的藻井 Crane and Tortoise Looking upward from below, visitor can see the brilliant yellow tiles under the blue sky and the white Thank you ! * The Hall of Supreme Harmony and the Court-yard in front of it With a construction area of 2,377 square meters, the double-eaved hall which ranks the highest among palaces, is the largest among the three halls in the Outer Halls. 角端 端 In the rear of the platform, there is a gold painted screen, and in the front, there is an imperial desk. In the center of the hall, there is a 2-meter high platform, upon which is placed the wooden throne carved with nine dragons. The elephant is carrying a vase in which grains are stored, which signifies peace and bumper harvests. Unicorns are imaginary animals in ancient Chinese mythology. They are said to be able to travel 18,000 km a day and can speak every language in the country. They only come to escort the aboveboard emperor with books. On top of the six pillars is a caisson ceiling with a Xuanyuan Mirror hanging in the middle. The Xuanyuan Mirror is said to be created by Emperor Xuanyuan (also known as Emperor Huangdi) in ancient times. The Emperor had this mirror hung here in order to show that he was the legitimate emp


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