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第三部分基础知识:重点词组 词组解析 (1) 1. agree with 同意??的意见 ( 想法 );符合 I can’ t agree with you about that .就那件事,我无法同意你的看法。 2. 1isten to 倾听?? When she arrived,1 was listening to English .她来的时候,我正在听英语。. 3. get to 到达 I get to school at about 7 : 30 every day, and I get home at 5: 00 in the afternoon .我每天 7: 30 到校,下午 5: 00 到家。 4. fall off( 从?? ) 掉下 The girl fell off the bike .女孩从自行车上摔了下来。 5. knock at / on 敲 (门、窗 ) There was a heavy knock at the door .有人在猛烈地敲门。 6. laugh at 嘲笑 It ’ s not good to 1augh at a person who is in trouble .讥笑一个陷于困境的人是不对的。 7. 1earn? from ? 向??学习 Bob, you should learn from your brother . He does well in his homework .鲍勃,你应该向你 哥哥学一学。他的作业完成得很好。 8. 1ive on 继续存在;靠??生活 People in my hometown live on rice .我家乡的人们靠大米为生。 9. 1ook after 照顾,照看 I must look after my old grandma when my parents are not at home .父母不在家时, 我必须照顾我的老奶奶. 10. help? with 帮助??做?? My friend helps me with my English study .我的朋友帮助我学习英语。 词组练习 (1) 1.当我把我的想法告诉妈妈时,她不同意我的意见。 My mother didn  ’t  me when I told her my  idea. 2.我听那个英国人说话,但是不明白他的话。 When I  the Englishman , I didn ’ t understand his words. 3.他们今天早晨八点到达车站的。 They  the station at 8 o’ clock this morning  . 4.汤姆从树上掉下来,他的腿受伤了。 When Tom  the tree, his leg was hurt. 5.你能帮助他完成这项工作吗? Can you  him  this work? 6.请在进房间以前敲门。 the door before entering the room . 7.老师告诉我们不要嘲笑新来的同学。 Our teachers tell US not to  our new classmate. 8.练习英语的时候,我们必须互相学习。 When we practice English , we have to  each other. 9.爱尔兰人过去用马铃薯作为主食。 The Irish used to  potatoes. 10.上大学后,你必须照顾自己。 When you go to college , you have to  yourself. 词组解析 (2) 1. at the end of 在??的结束时,在??末尾 We are given an examination at the end of each month .我们每个月底都有一场考试。 2. be keen on 喜欢,热爱,醉心于?? I am keen on studying English .我热心于学习英语。 3. next to 旁边的 Who ’ s the boy sitting next to you? 坐在你边上的那个男孩是谁 ? 4. in the middle of 在??中间 Dont put the sand in the middle of the path! 别把沙子倒在路中央。 5. work as 担任,从事 1 will study science well and work as a scientist .我要学好科学,将来做个科学家。 6. be responsible for 为??负责,形成??的原


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