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社會福利署 臨床心理服務科 中央心理輔助服務 混合幼兒中心員工訓練工作坊 自閉症兒童訓練 - 想法解讀 內容 想法解讀Theory of Mind (ToM)的理論基礎 自閉症兒童的社交及溝通障礙 ToM評估方法 ToM訓練方法 本地教材介紹 想法解讀的理論基礎(ToM) ToM理論基礎 於70年代學者研究猿猴類動物能否理解想法而提出的理論 (Premack Woodruffm, 1978) 80年代其他學者將理論應用於兒童的研究上,發現它能解釋很多自閉症狀的成因(Baron-Cohen, Lewslie Frith, 1985),例如: 不會指著一些東西叫人看 不能維持互動式的應對 很少說出自己的想法及意念 不懂辨別較複雜的感受 ToM理論基礎 定義:推測別人想法的能力(想法泛指信念、Ability to use this awareness to interpret social behavior Know different things Have different feelings Are motivated by different things Etc. TOM has a major influence on communication 1. Help decide when to communicate Is a listener available? What’s the listener doing? What’s the feeling of the listener? Will s/he want to be interrupted? 2. Helps shape selection of content Is it relevant/ important to the listener? Background knowledge Shared knowledege? What information is needed How much detail? 3. Helps shape selection of form Listener’s proximity? Listener’s visual perspective? Comprehension level? Relationship Time constraints? “Effective conversation relies on an understanding that people know different things and that these states of knowledge can be shared.” (Hadwin, Baron-Cohen, Howlin Hill, 1997) Assumptions Typical learners automatically interpret social behavior by assigning motives to the agents of action (mind-reading) TOM helps us to make sense out of seemingly disconnected utterances Mind-reading is done reflexively and the skills are part of the brain’s innate “cognitve structure”. Theory of Mind Baron-Cohen (1995) TOM is defined as the ability to attribute mental state to oneself and to others and to interpret behavior in terms of mental states... mental states are unobservable entities that we use quite successfully to explain and predict behavior In order for people to have a theory of mind mechanism (ToMM), they must also have a shared attention mechanism (SAM), which happens when two people focus their attention on the same object. The SAM uses available information about the perceptual


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