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36 4 V o .l 36, N o. 4 2010 8 Sc ience and T echno logy o f Bao tou Steel A ugu st, 20 10 * 夏春媛 包钢 集团) 公司白云鄂博铁矿, 内蒙古 包头 014080) : , m : ; ; ; + o : TU 57 6 : B : 1009- 5438 2010) 04 - 0074 - 02 c . D iscussions on W ater- proof Job P ractices of Roof in Baiyun ebo A rea g n X IA Chun - y uan lo (B a iy unebo Iron M ine of B aotou S teel (Group ) C orp. , B ao tou 014080, N eiM ongg ol, Ch ina) hu A b stract: T he w ater proof of roof is a comm on fau lt in constructional eng ineering. In the paper, it is ana lysed and sum z m ar ized the design of it in B aiyunebo a rea and som e m easures for contro lling construc tion qua lity, w hich offe r references and . gu idance fo r futu re w ater proof o f roof in Baiyunebo Iron M ine. w K ey w ords: roo ;f w ater proo ;f construction; m ethods w w , , , 网 , , ; , 龙 , , , , , , , , 筑 , , ,


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