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When Smith pointed out that he had spread the rumor, he vehemently retorted, “No! No!” 当史密斯指出他散布了这个谣言时,他激烈地反驳说:“没有那回事!没有那回事!” Throughout the year, then, he continued to have stormy relations not only with his allies, but also with his followers. 就这样,在整个这一年中,他不仅和他的盟友,也和他的追随者发生了一场又一场风波。 1) There was an urgent need for him to become, at least in appearance, a good Reputation. 对他来说,迫切需要的是成为一个地道的共和党人,至少表面上是这样。 2) For the work performed, each man received starvation pittance of two pence per day. 从事这项工作,每人每天所得只是两便士的难以糊口的工资。 3)For me personally, it was a blessing disguise 这对于我个人来说,是祸中得福。 The boy was so fascinated by the play that on coming home he announced he would become a soldier. 这孩子被这出戏迷住了,他一回家就说他将来要当兵。 Without his knowledge, the matchmaker was at work. 他自己还不知道,媒人却已为他穿针引线了。 They were sons of the men who had left their homes and taken to the mountains with their broad swords by their side. 他们都是那些抛妻别子、身带大刀进入深山的好汉们的后代。 1) They went to see Comrade Zhang, who gave them a hearty welcome. 他们去看张同志,他热诚地欢迎他们。 2) I hope your success, which is an inspiration to me, will continue. 我希望你继续取得胜利,它对我是一个鼓舞。 1) I came as soon as I heard of his arrival. 我一听说他已到达,马上就来了。 2) You will fail unless you work harder. 倘若你不努力工作,就会失败。 1) Before liberation, Gao Yubao could not go to school because his family was poor. 解放前,高玉宝因为家里很穷,不能上学。 2) I have not seen him since he went to Shanghai 他到上海以后,我一直没有见过他。 1) Don’t sleep with the windows open. 不要开着窗子睡觉。 2) These data will be of some value in our research work. 这些资料对于我们的研究工作有些价值。 He considered the whole business a particularly painful example of the choice between personalities and the national interest that he had often faced. That, at all events, was how he put it in his article. 他认为,这种问题是他在个人性格与民族利益之间常常面临抉择时碰到的一个特别令他痛苦的实例。无论此话是否真实,反正他在文章中就是这样写的。


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