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随着人们生活水品的不断提高,对生活品质的追求与日俱增,私人教练作为 体育健身娱乐市场的王牌产品,迅速成为市场的焦点。然而,作为新兴的朝阳产 业,私人教练没有现成的适合中国国情的成熟模式,产业的发展依然是“摸着石 头过河”,这大大影响了其健康、有序、和谐地发展。因此,对私人教练的职业 现状进行调查研究,既可以为现实工作提供指导依据,又可以为理论建设工作提 供第一手数据。 本文采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、数理统计法等研究方法,在总结、对比 了前人研究成果基础上,对私人教练的职业发展现状及发展趋势进行了调查研 究。分析得出: 1、 私人教练从业人员性别比例失调,男性明显多于女性,缺少系统培训, 从业经验普遍不足。 2、 “陪考一体化”的职业资质认证机构提供的培训无法保证证书的含金量, 导致私人教练的职业认证率虚高。 3、 国家尚未制定私人教练的职业标准和配套的管理体制,也缺少相应激励 这一职业发展的政策措施,没有政府的引导和规范,私人教练职业还处于一种无 序的自然发展状态。 4、 部分私人教练对于应具备的职业素质缺乏深刻认识,片面追求成单率, 甚至不惜牺牲职业素养,而健身倶乐部对此缺乏监管,采取放任自流的态度。 5、 目前大陆的私人教练普遍依附于俱乐部,缺乏职业独立性,在对会员的 服务中,功利心太重,服务质量偏低,难以达到私人服务的标准。 关键词:健身俱乐部私人教练职业现状 Abstract Along with the remarkable improvement of peopled living standard and the demands for quality of life and the growing personal services, Personal Trainer comes into being, and is rapidly becoming a focus of concern in the sports fitness entertainment market. However, just because it is a neonatal thing, there is no suitable off-the-shelf model of China9s national conditions and there are many non-standard problems in the development process of this new industry, which affects their health, order and harmonious development. Therefore, regulating and developing the personal trainers of research are not only of hieratical significance, but also of practical significance. I used literature data^ a questionnaire survey method, logical analysis, mathematical statistics and so on to have a personal trainer and the status quo and development trends in research. Analysis shows that personal study population characteristics of the trainer in China are unreasonable; practitioners are lack of experience, professional experiences are not enough; employment pressure, knowledge are capacity need to be improved; training costs, the quality is not high, and private education emerged significantly, such as practical problems. Mainly because the training system is not sound, the lack of professional ethics, related law and regulation targeted imperfect We should to strengthen the private educa


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