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摘要 伴随着我国网络经济的快速发展与进步,互联网的用户数和客户群 ,有过网络购物经历的用户已经达到3000万人以上,并且其中有一半人已经习惯了在网上购物,而且这个数字正在快速的增长。以化妆品销售为主的天乐韩妆实体店目前正面临商业竞争和经济效益下降的压力,仅仅是每天的内部生产流水线都需要花费大量成本,所以为了不受传统经典方式的约束,减少过多的成本浪费和工作人员的开销,增强本实体店的商业竞争力,该商店决定采用时下流行的电子商务模式,向多元化发展,凭借Internet在国内的快速发展趋势,在建立商品宣传网络效应的同时,也逐步扩大商店自身的网络销售渠道,划分部分流动资金投入网站建设。通过网上交易为主要形式,进行传统产业向网络交易的过渡,带动商店的快速发展,快速提高商店的经济效益。企业通过建立自己特有的网上交易平台和产业链,为消费者提供安全、便捷的购物生态系统,为商店提供方便的交易处理和多样的管理功能。 我设计的电子商城网站是用PHP语言编写的,并结合HTML超文本标记语言,以及JavaScript脚本语言使得页面更加丰富,具有与用户交互的功能,并且以MySQL作为开发的后台数据库,利用Apache作为服务器。使用Eclipse of PHP 和Dreamweaver作为开发工具。网站主要实现了,用户的登录、注册,商品的展示、购买,购物车的实现,订单的查询等功能。 对于本网站的设计意义,不仅能使传统企业入驻互联网的潮流大军,更能加强企业在互联网世界里的宣传力度,还能在一定程度上方便了用户们进行商品浏览,企业产品订单查询及下单等操作,大大节约了商店的劳动力,同时方便了用户的体验和消费,对企业的管理更加井井有条富有生命力。 关键词:购物; 网站; PHP; B2B结构; Abstract With the rapid development of Chinas Internet economy , the number of Internet users, have been online shopping experience users reached 30 million people , half of whom have become accustomed to shopping online, and this number is growing rapidly. The sale of a commodity -based mall is currently facing downward pressure of competition and efficiency , the daily internal work processes need to spend a lot of cost , in order to not be bound by the traditional way to reduce excess overhead costs and personnel , and enhance the competitiveness of enterprises force , the mall decided to adopt e-business models , to diversify , with the rapid development of the Internet in China , the establishment of corporate propaganda network , but also gradually expand the companys own network of sales channels , gathered some funds into the construction site . Through online trading as the main form , the transition network transactions conducted promote the rapid development of the mall , the rapid increase in economic efficiency of enterprises . Enterprises through the establishment of their own unique online trading platform to provide consumers with safe , convenient way to shop for businesses to provide transaction processing and ri


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