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河北经贸大学毕业论文 河北经贸大学毕业论文 陕西省对外贸易现状及问题对策研究 专业名称:国际经济与贸易 班 级: J2014级1班 学生姓名: 崔安平 指导教师: 张少楠 完成时间: 2016年5月 PAGE 1 PAGE 1 摘 要 改革开放以来陕西省经济建设取得明显进步,人民生活水平也提高了很多,但是与大部分沿海发达城市相比,提升空间还很大。鉴于为陕西更好的发展外贸提供良策,本文通过数据整理与调查对其现存问题进行分析。 本文的写作目的在于促进陕西省克服现存对外贸易困局,通过对陕西省省情了解进一步剖析陕西省对外贸易环境。在了解基本情况之后,探索陕西外贸现状及近年趋势,后发现不足并得出结论。本文结合陕西统计年鉴和陕西商务厅的统计资料,在分析陕西市对外贸易现状的前提下发现陕西省外贸发展主要存在的问题并提出现实可行的对策建议。 本文主要运用了文献查阅与调查研究的方法,通过收集与整理资料,结合国家统计局、陕西统计信息网与陕西对外经济相关的数据,剖析陕西省外贸发展的现状及存在问题,进而把握陕西省对外贸易中现存的问题以便于帮助陕西省外贸企业克服其面临的问题。 通过充分的理论学习与数据分析,对陕西省对外贸易的昨天、今天与明天有了准确的定位和充分的认识。结合陕西省情,顺应国家经济发展大环境的背景要求,提出了对策建议。 关键词 陕西省对外贸易; 问题及对策;一带一路 Abstract The economic construction of Shaanxi province has been developing fast since the “reform and opening up”policy was performed.Meanwhile,peoples living standard has improved more, however, when compared with most developed coastal city, there is still much room for Shaanxi to make improvement. In view of promoting the growth of foreign trade of Shaanxi province, this paper found the existing problems of the trade of this inland province by doing research and investigation, and then ,draw the conclusion for the being problems. Shaanxis foreign trade has made great breakthrough but there are still many problems we should know. The research was based on the data from the statistics annual of Shaanxi and Xian customs. The main problems can be found and some countermeasures and suggestions can be put forward by analyzing the trade situation By the way of literature search and making statistic, this paper find the existent problems of the trade situation in Shaanxi based on the data from the Chinese statistic bureau of statistic information of Shaanxi and the foreign economy of Shaanxi . Then,grasp the existing problems in Shaanxi Provinces foreign trade to help enterprises in this province overcoming the disadvantages. Through the enough study of the research and analyzing the paper make a correct positioning for Shaanxi’s trade and let


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